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Flunk: The Sleepover 2021 720p WEBRip-YTS
Size: 738MB mp4 H264 (HIGH) (AVC1) / AAC (LC) (MP4A)  HD  1280x534

Flunk: The Sleepover
  • Flunk: The Sleepover (2021)
  • Genre: Drama | Romance
  • Directed By: Ric Forster
  • Country: Australia
  • Original Language: English
  • Storyline: Still hurting after their breakup, Tabby's stunned when she comes face to face with ex girlfriend Heidi at a friend's sleepover. Forced to spend the night together - can they put the past behind them? Or will they fall in love again?
File Information
File Container: MP4
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) (AVC1) AAC (LC) (MP4A)
Video Resolution: 1280x534
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7 Responses to "[RR/NF/CU] Flunk: The Sleepover 2021 720p WEBRip-YTS (738MB)"

Intolerant dickhead.


@Oscar2 & The Swinging Sockpuppet Accounts

Opinion as in: some gut feeling about hebbinly entitled bs from the bronze age. Yeah, sure, and a big hateful mouth to "tolerate" for others, while itself retches the exact opposite of that. 'Rights for me but not for thee', the tolerant intolerant's mantra.

In case you didn't know: brainwashing is not your problem, as that does not work like this (if it works at all). Your problem is being taken for the closeted shlonghead you are and the eventual cracks of light in your narrow reality tunnel, little sparkles of empathy for what you despise, which with a rather high probability you fear, find and despise in yourself.

Go get a life, make some friends in RL, maybe go see an analyst or shove it where the sun doesn't shine - who cares, but you?

Here's some more brainwashing: sexual interest in whoever you love or desire is just natural, the usual behaviour of mammals for millennia, and there is no hell waiting for you, if you just do what you like, especially if whichever people you are sharing it with, are ok with it as well. God died some time ago, it's just his rotting corpse still emanating ugly noises from time to time. Some still run around waving holy relics, though.

Did you feel that washing your brain? Did it work? Of course not, because you are such an exception to the rule. Bravissimo!

Maybe back for you in some weeks, whether you keep playing with ever more aliases or not. In case you'd find the key to escape my arsenal until then, just leave it under the doormat, please.


Never mind this moron. This moron has just been working on me returning and directing some affection towards him, in fact he's been babbling and begging for some attention from the dungeons of his lonely man cave (aka my arsenal) since before the holidays, as that's what I promised to be the time of my next return to him. He could as well have kindly asked for a little affection, but that's just not what he's capable of, looking for someone to drag into a fight is him dryly crying in loneliness.

He is what he is, though, fighting fighting fighting for whatever it is that never fills the holes of his woeful
existence as the village idiot with a keyboard and the capability of registering online accounts.

He doesn't even recognize he's constantly hacking the words and phrases of others into it, mostly just parroting whatever you just said to him in slight nuances minues ago. In a state like this, things like an actual thought of his own rarely crosses his mind (if mind is the right term to describe such an empty and passive echo chamber).

That it exactly is this lonely baby parrot account juggling angry village idiot, which shines through the cracks of whichever posts he is coming up with at any given moment, naturally must be beyond his capabilities to grasp.

I consider him so desperate for moments of feeling self-efficacy, that it wouldn't baffle me too much, if TomMix was just another one of his aliases. It's the anonymous web after all, so who'll ever know?


@Oscar2 & The Swinging Sockpuppet Accounts

You really do hope folks are too stupid to recognize your posts under whatever alias you post them? Even your buddies immediately recognized the switch, see "General Discussion" thread.

And after you just parroted and twisted my post you feel the urgent need to bury your display of dumbfuckery from "Recent Comments" with another accout?

Facepalm. A truly saddening display of human mediocracy.

Back for you some time, if you keep on begging for attention, maybe earlier, maybe later.


"God died some time ago"
The last thing people want to hear in this world is an idiot like you announcing this crap. Or did you think you're Nietzsche?!!! 0.o Even he was too naive to claim something like that, let alone you! If he was present in this age of AI and quantum computing, not only God, he would even deny himself!



you know how it goes when anyone takes the bait... ignore Love you man, happy new year!


Happy New Year! ;)


:) You are beginning to understand. :) :) that it is bullshit. Yay, finally.

Maybe instead of being a dickhead with all the stupid "Please, can add..." posts & now with the :) face posts only designed to annoy, start acting like an adult.

And when people who are much smarter than you respond to your nagging bullshit and beat you every time, you throw a child like tantrum (see above) and complain about how unfair it is.

In one old post you bragged about seeing 5000 movies. Well you certainly haven't learned anything from them, or are you just a psychopath who only feels hate & anger trying to learn how to emulate all those other emotions you see in others?

Lets try something new. PROVE your opinions & accusations or SHUT THE FUCK UP.

You wanted the attention and here it is, so don't cry about it.

Too good to ignore:

"if TomMix was just another one of his aliases. It's the anonymous web after all, so who'll ever know?"

Are you saying you think he is not a real person and just mine or oscars alias? What a total wack job you are. :) :) :)

TomMix has been on this site since 2013. Go to page 1 of General Discussion you idiot.

Trimas d i c k h e a d :)

Pathetic response as usual. For a man in his mid 50s you sure are immature.

PROVE your accusation or SHUT THE FUCK UP you inbred imbecile.

Humpty Dumbty.... d i c k h e a d">

... parrotpasted Oscar2Xanthmastermosterp_poopBeastie CP's post history, without ever delivering anything he so boldly promised over and over, all the while his sidekick endlessly nodded into the future, on and on and on, until suddenly he guessed, it'd finally be his turn to add his own kind of exhibition of proud mediocracy in understanding life, language and lore to it, parroting the impostering pasteparrot once more.

And thus a new year began. It was a little bit of a sad sight to see that Oscar's troll copypasta didn't ever evolve even slightly into something of his own. Fusing Oscarbiggieblah and Beastiefeces into a newish avatar didn't really deliver that well, whatever impression it was that might have been intended.
ε(´סּ︵סּ`)з   ε(´סּ︵סּ`)з   ε(´סּ︵סּ`)з
Ä lïttlë mägïc spëll tö öpën thë gätës tö bräïnwäsh 2025:

Öscär, sëlf-ëntïtlëd mästër öf thïs förüm, ÿöü ärë stïll nöt ällöwëd tö kïss mÿ änüs, ÿët. Dö nöt gïvë üp präctïsïng.

Thërë's ä löt öf stüff ïn thëë bräïnwashëd "arsenal" ÿöü stïll wërën't äblë tö dïscövër. Büt älsö bë cärëfül whät ÿöü wïsh för, ït mïght türn ïntö ä mïrrör wïth tëëth thät bïtës ÿöür säd ärsë äs söön äs ÿöü türn ÿöür bäck töwärds ït.

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    Tank You !

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    These links are also for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Feersum:

    These links are for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Xanthmaster: IMO "DUAL" usually means TWO languages to choose from, i downloaded a dual file elsewhere...
  • dorfone:

    This is not dual. It is French only audio and subtitles.

  • Bionicone:

    My copy of this came out in Italian. Would not advise getting

  • buxxiik:

    Last part is unfortunately unavailable... any chance of a reup please? Thx.

  • mentalityx:

    Much appreciated mates.

  • sd55:

    Please upload eps 2,3,4,5,6 of clicknupload in 480p please thank u

  • sd55:

    Please upload ep 2,3,4,5,6, in 480p of small town big story

  • Gunzzo:

    Hello, what is the difference between part 1 and part 2 if they are exactly the same episode?

  • PROFessorMorrynarty:

    THANK YOU FOR conspirators.

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