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Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 WEBSCR x264 AAC-MiLLENiUM
Size: 766MB mp4 X264 / AAC 720x368

Inside Llewyn Davis
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[UL/180U/HuF] Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 WEBSCR x264 AAC-MiLLENiUM (766MB) - Snapshot 1[UL/180U/HuF] Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 WEBSCR x264 AAC-MiLLENiUM (766MB) - Snapshot 2
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42 Responses to "[UL/180U/HuF] Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 WEBSCR x264 AAC-MiLLENiUM (766MB)"

BIG thanks for J&EC;'s new flick!


thanks. great film and really good quality screener.


I read over on another site quite the opposite , Colors are washed out, picture almost seems a little blurred and unrefined. Ill wait for bluray .

I don't like nothing MiLLENiUM does no ways they always use bad settings when encoding x264, they belong in a trash bin. :)


@TheTruth. Commenting on an upload based on comments you read on another site does no one any good. You haven't downloaded or watched it so stfu and keep your uninformed opinions to yourself.


I looked at video sample of was enough for me, to see it looks like crap in the dark scenes and the AR is wrong .

That's sample are for so you don't have to waste time downloading stuff you don't want.


Hell you can look damn nfo up there and see AR is off even I compared the samples and the copy I downloaded (aqos )only it has the same AR as IMDb says it sould have but still not sure if that's right ether because the trailers are 16:9 , most the time the trailers are correct . But in the dark scenes it looks like someone smeared Vaseline on the lens from MiLLENiUM sample.


lido all ya do is let him waffle on cause thats what most of us do now cause we got bored of the dribbles of the ins and outs of this and that and what he can and cant do and so on and what he has and dosent have


I don't give a rats ass what if you get bored of me or not Reversebass , Your on the internet you don't run no ones life or tell them what to do , the more run your mouth the more I will post.

You going to play cheerleader , I thought I spelled bad because I have a learning disability , but whats your excuse ? Because sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to figure out what you said.


If you cant deal with different types of personality , you need to not post at all.

Every time I see you post Reversebass your always try make someone look bad or tell someone what there going they should or shouldn't do, you should go somewhere and be a moderator because on open blogs you don't control the admin panel .

Tell they make you admin I suggest you stfu because your hard to comprehend as it is.


I want to know what I have or don't have has anything to do with this release having the wrong AR and looking bad in dark scenes , I said nothing about what I had even .

I just gave my opinion of this release is all , the reason you don't run your mouth at me Reversebass is because Ill defend myself If someone talks shit to me I going tallk shit back.


LOL that's funny stuff , I just get tired of some people, they seem to want try run the website here , A lot times I come by here but no one says nothing for hours at a time .

I get bored of seeing nothing here but re-upload the uploaded links , Is the site dieing out or what ?

I noticed some sites stop using uploaded, because they deleted there accounts , seems uploaded is pulling the same stuff that all the old host did before all blogs stop using them.


Did i touch a nerve sweetheart that your getting all defense with using the punctuation lines as a comeback would have being more effective to someone that gives a fuck no one is trying to run here everyone basically is just bored of ya simple to understand cause all ya end up doing is just talking to yourself 9 times out of 10 p.s dont try tell me what to do ever son cause ill just make ya look as retarded as ya do now just as easy hehe har har ha ha


Well Reverbass if you don't care about what TheTruth is talking about, why do you lost your time here?
Stop trolling and get a life man. It's sad to read you.


Are ya a boyf or girlf of he's i dont care which is right so just wanted to say it cause im nice like that i have a life little 1 if i didnt would i be typing this out probably not dont ya think trolling that word is more overused than repeats of shows on mtv bring it up to 2014 will ya


You keep saying we sounds more like you , and I the the only person you make look retarded is yourself , every time you post it looks like a big turd , that takes everyone 15 minutes to figure out what you said .


no we means most the people who tell ya to shut the fuck up not just me everytime you post its a list of who gives a fiddlers fuck what it is does or whatever else once they can watch it they dont care or as i said ya end up talking to yourself 1st sign of madness there that is


MrJustified 1st off your name explains yourself your looking for some kind of justification on a download blog, your pectic , wrong site bud .

Further more I can do better than MiLLENiUM , But why would i post anything I do for you trolls.

Pretty much with MiLLENiUM I can just wait on the next release by another group or just download the source they used and I do get better day in and day out.


sure instead of bragging ya can do it then show it cause if ya cant then all ya are talking is complete bull easy to say stuff proving it is another


There a re-encode group is all they don't filter , they really cant sync audio , every thing they do is just re-hash , Any one can download a freeware encoder and do what they do , they always use the same settings 3 re-frames , variable bitrates , no encoder settings , the worse group ever at encoding x264 , encoding is really not hard work , just because your too lazy are you computer is to slow to do it lol.


nope dont think 8Gb of ram and 1Tb HD is anyway slow to do anything to do but sure as i said instead of saying show it if ur so good at doing it as ya say


Reversebass i don't have to prove shit , bluray comes out every day , I just download it and watch it I don't waste my time on shit re-hash they release , I watch there sources .


sure if ya cant prove what ya say then your full of shit uh huh duh


If admins can clean those shitty discussions it would be nice. Kick and ban users who are here only to trash other peoples and never bring any informations about releases.


Of course I can prove it if I wanted , but for what you leechers , I dont get no benefit from it really , the only thing I would get would be the mppa breathing down my neck for releasing copyrighted work , you take some are even in jail for releasing , I see no fun in going to jail for you leechers.


lol why would we want to leech your stuff if we would already have whatever already all that was asked was to prove what ya say but yet again your just trying to get out of doing it


@Unknown21 that's why trolls like MrJustified hide on sites like this , if they were in a real forum were they would get kicked for being douches they would been gone long ago. I dealt with these cowards that fight with there keyboards instead there fist for years , Im numb to them lol.


nah we wudnt if ya need to use fists to solve fights then your just as bad when ya can do just as much hurt with words


@MrJustified really I don't have to do shit you say or even read the rubbish you post , your on internet , you cant control ,my thoughts are my actions,

There's and old saying , A man that's convinced against his own opinion is still of the same opinion.

You can rant on for a 1000 years and I will still have the same opinion about MiLLENiUM .

as far as Reversebass I don't read his post hardly ever I never understand his hillbilly ass when I do.


and you can rant on about i can encode this and that but until ya actually prove what ya say every1 will basically think your full of shit until ya do so


Reversebass i think I touched a nerve with you sweetheart , I went to sleep and woke up and you was trolling me and others here, here it is hours latter your still trolling . I think I wasted to much time with you as it is . Maybe you and MrJustified should hook up and become butt buddies. :)


touched a nerve with me yeh its oh so sensitive that i nearly came in me me boxers no one asked ya to waste time that was your own choice sweetness you got all worked up not me i was laughing all the way through this and yet ya still try get at me with kiddie insults ud hear in the playground growing up


This is a sight for sore eyes , you got this one troll who is trying to beat me to death with words like hes educated , but he using his education on a download blog were we don't really care if hes educated or not .

Then you have this other troll that makes no sense what so ever that talks like Jethro with a 6th grade education .


lol im in the stiches laughing at ya you say others dont really care and what has being said to you already before no one cares what ya can and cant do with films and such that ya keep blabbering on about it but yet ya keep at it as if you will get an erection over it if someone actually does


What did you just say Reversebass anyone care to translate that for me? Ya is not a word hillbilly .

And as far you MrJustified If Its something don't like or the quality is bad I can say it anywhere . private p2p or fourms , and I don't get banned , I just don't comment back to trolls like you, I just hit the report button or pm the mod and have you ban lol.


ya is a word oh sorry for your stupidity but thanks for showing it to the internet very nice of ya to do so so ya run to the admins like a child with a soiled nappy haha talk about an innocent twat of the highest degree hillbillys are american i aint american 2 fails in 1 comment high 5 for you son


Sorry, I'm not I'm not up to date on southern slang , I don't understand hillbillyease very well, could you repost that in every day English ?


I don't care if your from mars Reversebass , you talk in some kind of slang , the Americans have hillbilly and southern slang , but most you cant tell unless you talk to on a phone or mic. Great Britain has Scotland witch talks with slang .

But you even type with slang WTF?


MrJustified your one of these keyboard warriors that feeds off other peoples comments , because you have no brain or materiel of your own .

If it were not for some posting on blogs like me your troll ass would would fade away . I control you like a puppet , If i decide not to post you cant feed , If do post you just jump and down like a jack in the box zzzzzzzzz your boring me FFS

Hiding behind your black troll name that you chose for today.


Yakkity Yak that's coming from someone who dissed the people on this site today. Are you that dense that you thank that spam bot that posted here today posted there real info lol.


Now hes even trolling in bold letters wow , tell his mommy to give him a cookie . :)


I sure do use the word troll a lot , Because I been trolled a lot , Even some try to steal my name , witch they follow me from another site that closed here, but I was already here way before they came over.

Its like Unknown21 if you would stop trolling and leave me alone, I would just talk about quality and stuff and go on that's what these comments are for not for you to spam with stuff that not have nothing to do with nothing in this toppic , they really need close the captchas down here again to get rid of the rift raff that hide behind the black names. Posting here is a privilege is all not really needed just more work for the staff here ,they can easy take it away , they have before.


Really man if you download MiLLENiUM releases because you don't have the space to download the source files and you like speed done too fast , that's on you but me I would wait on a good team to m720p and get it somewhere else or just download the source files if i dont want wait than the sites that post the fast p2p stuff. I'm talking about HD .

And when it comes too cams , ts , DVDSCR or WEBRip or what ever this is there's any were to 4 to 10 groups that do every one .

quote : With regard to warez groups or organized piracy groups, a movie is usually released in several formats and different versions because the primary sources used by a group for a particular movie may vary. Pirated movies are primarily released by these organized groups, commonly referred to as scene groups or warez groups. The first release of a movie is usually of a lower quality (due to a lack of sources), and is eventually replaced with higher-quality releases as better sources become available.

This means that this crappy release will be replaced with high quality rips soon.

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Recent Comments

  • WalterWhite27:

    Please Admin, reupload this English Dubbed set.... please

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

  • Jamestrosh: @Cinque_Persson & your many "sock puppet accounts" You're just another bra...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place

  • AegonV:

    there is no sub, it is marked forced english but naaaahhhhh

  • Demonz:

    Why a Webrip when there's a Bluray half the size 4 months ago ?

  • WalterWhite27:

    No ep 11??

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.2 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.1 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • voiture88: @Admin Please, can you add "Greys.Anatomy.S21E11.I.Still.Havent.Found.2023.What.Im.Looking.for....
