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Scammy Boys (2024)

Scammy Boys
  • Genre: Thriller
  • Directed By: Shoib Nikash Shah
  • IMDb Rate
  • Original Language: Hindi
  • Storyline: In the verge of becoming an actor Piyush A.K.A Scammy, involves Pankaj with his small black business from where they earn a hell lot of money for a good living. Pankaj is a small-town boy who just wants to fulfill his family dreams \u0026 lead a happy settled life. He falls for Piyush thoughts of getting famous \u0026 starts enjoying doing scams with people. He gets addicted to coke \u0026 marijuana which makes him aggressive towards his decision-making \u0026 behavior which leads him towards a lot of trouble.\n\nWhile a deal goes wrong, Pankaj \u0026 Scammy lands into a hole of trouble \u0026 they meet a fully corrupted policeman who leads their way toward a drug cartel for his own benefit \u0026 both of them are spoiled.\n\nPankaj desperately wants to return to his normal life, but they don't know that the life they are leading is the new normal for them. They make various efforts to escape the situation but are unsuccessful. They work for the drug cartel which funds a terrorist organization. After figuring this out they both find a way to get the cartel busted \u0026 come back to their family \u0026 lead a happy normal life. In the verge of becoming an actor Piyush A.K.A Scammy, involves Pankaj with his small black business from where they earn a hell lot of money for a good living. Pankaj is a small-town boy who just wants to fulfill his family dreams \u0026 lead a happy settled life. He falls for Piyush thoughts of getting famous \u0026 starts enjoying doing scams with people. He gets addicted to coke \u0026 marijuana which makes him aggressive towards his decision-making \u0026 behavior which leads him towards a lot of trouble.\n\nWhile a deal goes wrong, Pankaj \u0026 Scammy land into a hole of trouble \u0026 they meet a fully corrupted policeman who leads their way towards a drug cartel for his own benefit \u0026 both of them are spoiled.\n\nPankaj desperately wants to return to his normal life, but they don't know that the life they are leading is the new normal for them. They make various efforts to escape the situation but are unsuccessful. They work for the drug cartel which funds a terrorist organization. After figuring this out they both find a way to get the cartel busted \u0026 come back to their family \u0026 lead a happy normal life.
  • IMDB:


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Recent Comments

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • kang:

    Grimsburg S02E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS !!!

  • kang:

    Family Guy S23E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS at the end !!!

  • memens:

    hi, any chance to upload full tv show please?

  • drorsabi1:

    please upload skymed season 3 episode 9

  • ruf999:


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  • ppoo:

    No "Optics S01E04" ???

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  • rederi:

    Tank You !

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