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Astrid Et Raphaelle S01 FRENCH ENSUBBED WEBRip x264-ION10
Size: 4.9GB mp4 H264 (HIGH) (AVC1) / AAC (LC) (MP4A) 720x400 TV Pack

Astrid et Raphaëlle
File Container: MP4
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) (AVC1) AAC (LC) (MP4A)
Video Resolution: 720x400
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5 Responses to "[RR/NF] Astrid Et Raphaelle S01 FRENCH ENSUBBED WEBRip x264-ION10 (4.9GB)"

Hi. This may appear stupid but how do I download these to my pc so that I can watch them offline? As you can gather, I'm not too technical....


There are no stupid questions.

All the options to get this file are by
These are Hosted on RR = Rapid Rar and NF Nitro Fare

Both are services that have more harsh limits to ""encourage"" you to pay them for a subscription, to avoid absurd wait times, slow bandwidth caps and even smaller maximum size limits on free accounts/users. Tthat often don't equal the common preferred file sizes for quality to number of MB/Gigs per. That may be one of the error messages you saw, you didn't list the exact issue, so I'm guessing here. You have to download all the .RAR (WINRAR) files for them to be combined into one full file. Rar files are debate, i'll leave out of this reply.

You will want to look for copy this episode/series that has CU aka "Click n Upload" which is more friendly service for free users. If you can't find that "CU" option you might want to try and look the various file hosting services to find the more friendly free ones.

You can see the file name of the source file and/or drop the rmteam (That RMteam tag at the end of the name = a safe , virus free, quality file though) off the end of others and then search for that and you might find a few other DDL sites to get that file/episode from. Google will probably say "some results have been removed", look at those listed url's and then search those sites bookmarking the good ones for future use/needs.

You could also buy a pass at Rapid Rar or Nitro. Which is part the point, the people making all these files uploading them, updating this website get referral fees from the file hosting sources to cover the server costs. If you donate to Rapid Moviez directly with as little as $3usa you'll get a several day free pass at Rapid Rar as thank you. Look for the donate link on the pages here. All the files that have every been uplaoded will always have working Rapid Rar no matter how old they get. If you find rare one not updated that somehow expired notify the admins and they will get that fixed for Rapid Rar users.

Also when you have question, it is better to post in the general forum, so it is far more likely to be and someone will help you. As your post on briefly appears on the right side as the latest post until others post and it is flooded off rather quickly. That forum link

Cheers mate, if you reply the odds are I won't see your answer, hence use the link above for the forum, more people will see your posts and it will be easy to see for days and by going back a page or so. Which means higher odds someone will see your question and give you the help or tips to get a solution.


Right on and honest advice
Didn't know about the donate to receive a free pass
Use a downloader to avoid puzzles or capilar


@Demonz Thanks for the kind comment and validation on the advice.

The donate page is at , the button is on the screen Between Popular and the DMCA ones but can be hard to find when looking for it , with all the other function options. From that page this is the info from the table,

Donation Amount(in US/EUR) = RapidRAR Premium Key (as a gift)
3 USD/EUR =7 Days
8 USD/EUR =30 Days
20 USD/EUR =3 Months
35 USD/EUR =6 Months
65 USD/EUR =1 Year

Their bitcoin is on that link, I copy and pasted it but please please double check it on that page.

Bitcoin Address:

Please send your Transaction ID to [email protected] to get your RapidRAR premium key.***

If you can't send donations via Bitcoin, please contact us(has link to above email address) for alternative methods.

The "donate" forum is over run with spam, which why I suggest using the members for help. The admins stay busy behind the scenes but from the few posts I have seen on issues related to RapidRar, the Admins seem to be pretty fast and willing to go to bat for donaters , if there is an issue with a key working for them.


Hi Kudzu
Many thanks for your reply.
I have a rapidrar account so I can click on the link.
However, when I download, it's a HTML file which seems to be a direct link to the episode and, although I can watch the episode, it's online and not on my PC. Most frustrating...

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  • dsra545212315:

  • dsra545212315: @ADMIN PLEASE ADD 'Nine Bodies in A Mexican Morgue S01E01 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab'
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  • wxe09104:

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  • rederi:

    Tank You !

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  • Feersum:

    These links are also for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Feersum:

    These links are for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Xanthmaster: IMO "DUAL" usually means TWO languages to choose from, i downloaded a dual file elsewhere...
  • dorfone:

    This is not dual. It is French only audio and subtitles.

  • Bionicone:

    My copy of this came out in Italian. Would not advise getting

  • buxxiik:

    Last part is unfortunately unavailable... any chance of a reup please? Thx.

  • mentalityx:

    Much appreciated mates.

  • sd55:

    Please upload eps 2,3,4,5,6 of clicknupload in 480p please thank u

  • sd55:

    Please upload ep 2,3,4,5,6, in 480p of small town big story
