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Burn Notice S01 1080p WEBRip x265-RARBG
Size: 8.3GB mp4 HEVC (MAIN 10) (HEV1) / AAC (LC) (MP4A)  HD  1920x1080 TV Pack

Burn Notice
File Container: MP4
Video/Audio Codec: HEVC (MAIN 10) (HEV1) AAC (LC) (MP4A)
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
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4 Responses to "[RR/NF] Burn Notice S01 1080p WEBRip x265-RARBG (8.3GB)"

can someone PLEASE explain to me how we figure out the subtitles when they are all called "2_English.www.RapidMovieZ" in the TV packs???


It's easiest to get sub packs from scene-rls dot net, as they're posted by season. The ones here should be in episode order, but that's not guaranteed.


Also, each sub is properly labeled.


As said down from subs from scene rls or go big and hit Sub Scene link to the search page
use Give it day or two and they will most releases covered, if you don't see the full release name you can leave off the group or use original source file to get SRT file that is very close.
Sub Scene also have multiple options for different types of subtitles for hearing and visual impaired. Those can make huge difference in how you experience a show. Not just slightly different words if translated (dub language says one thing while the text says another) but ones where they describe things for the visually impaired can drawn you attention to items that are on the screen that are not focused on but are important to the story. Sub Scene is pretty amazing place and also covers many languages. If the show is Bi Lingual they will have just translation of the second language, both as original languages, both in one language and then different visual and hearing impaired options. They have subs for almost have langue spoken for the big shows and multiple subtitle options per episode per language. So you want to make sure you select your language on there especially. There is a whole "scene race" just on getting subtitles up, then getting the corrected quality up, moving them on so the text doesn't interfering with anything on the screen. Like subtitle going over forced sub titles on a foreign language.

On Rapid Moviez, the sub files are usually uploaded in order and you can renamed them how you want.

Or just watch each episode and start subtitle file, You'll be able to tell right away if it is the right or wrong one and then can adjust your file titles accord. Especially if you start with the first one, download times for completion make mess with order but that usually only jumbles 2-4 in 12 episode due some completing faster, if sort by created dated verses modified date options.

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Recent Comments

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place

  • AegonV:

    there is no sub, it is marked forced english but naaaahhhhh

  • Demonz:

    Why a Webrip when there's a Bluray half the size 4 months ago ?

  • WalterWhite27:

    No ep 11??

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.2 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.1 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • voiture88: @Admin Please, can you add "Greys.Anatomy.S21E11.I.Still.Havent.Found.2023.What.Im.Looking.for....
  • waanaabe:



  • waanaabe:


    full seasons Wild Cards

  • waanaabe: YESSSSSSSSS!!! (But then.. 2 more years of waiting? )
  • blueybaby:

