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1923Blood StarToilet-bound Hanako-kunTreasure IslandI Saw the TV GlowMen in BlackDark WindsNine Bodies in A Mexican MorgueCleanerChoose MeThe BrutalistThe Marlow Murder ClubLast BreathPower Book III: Raising KananGrosse Pointe Garden SocietySeveranceBatman Ninja vs. Yakuza LeagueBlitzReacherDaredevil: Born AgainAdolescenceTyler Perry's DuplicityThe Twister: Caught in the StormRevelationsYellowjackets






CSI Vegas S02E02 iNTERNAL 720p WEB h264-KOGi
Size: 1.3GB mkv H264 (HIGH) / EAC3  HD  1280x720

CSI: Vegas
File Information
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      size: 1.3 GiB
   runtime: 00:42:51.250
resolution: 1280 x 720
   bitrate: 4,320 kb/s
     audio: E-AC-3 @ 640 kb/s (5.1) / English
      subs: English (SDH)

     notes: better video/audio quality than previous release
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) EAC3
Video Resolution: 1280x720
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Encoding Queue:  x264  x265

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  • Severance
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  • Blitz
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Recent Comments

  • Jamestrosh: @Cinque_Persson & your many "sock puppet accounts" You're just another bra...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place

  • AegonV:

    there is no sub, it is marked forced english but naaaahhhhh

  • Demonz:

    Why a Webrip when there's a Bluray half the size 4 months ago ?

  • WalterWhite27:

    No ep 11??

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.2 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.1 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • voiture88: @Admin Please, can you add "Greys.Anatomy.S21E11.I.Still.Havent.Found.2023.What.Im.Looking.for....
  • waanaabe:



  • waanaabe:


    full seasons Wild Cards

  • waanaabe: YESSSSSSSSS!!! (But then.. 2 more years of waiting? )
