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Dissected - S01E02 - MKV / h 264 / WEBRip / 720p / Internal
Size: 1GB mkv H264 (HIGH) / AAC  HD  1280x720

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[UL/180U] Dissected - S01E02 -  MKV / h 264 / WEBRip / 720p / Internal (1GB) - Snapshot 1
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Video Resolution: 1280x720
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12 Responses to "[UL/180U] Dissected - S01E02 - MKV / h 264 / WEBRip / 720p / Internal (1GB)"

Who cares what the release name is?
If the quality is reliably described that;s all I need to know.

I'm no fan of any particular release group.
720p WEBDL and I'll give it a try.

YOu can see hte release name in the inof if it matter. But for TV shows at least ther is usually just one release per format.

Movies might be a different thing, since they like to post dozens of virtually identical rips of every popular (or even unpopular garbage) films.


@dooh123 what I done was leave yesterday and came back today to see if they stooped posting those garbage tags.

Many of these post with these garbage tags were duplicates of releases they all ready posted with real tags .

This release here I have no idea , If the quality is good are not , Its not labeled WEB-DL its labeled WEBRip witch means it could be a re-encode of WEB-DL or captured with an video recorder. It could be OK or could be poor.

All I know, yesterday why this site was wasting time posting stuff they already posted , other sites were posting new releases with the right tags.


After looking at the screens I see its not from Itunes , Its from BBC WEB-Site in the UK , Because it has the BBC watermark . The HDTV versions, of this don't have no watermarks at all. Ether this was download from BBC or or captured with an video recorder. Its not normal WEB-DL


I didn't give you nothing , I didn't post you no shows.

I'm more concerned about why this site is over an hour behind on shows and movies , Is there something wrong with the site than am with this show. This show has been out since 02/26 2 days ago witch they posted duplicates of it again.


I did not say I would leave this site for good , I said I was going remove it from my feed program if they didn't stop with the garbage tags. I will always stop by here if Im looking for a certain something .

And sure the hell no troll like you are going run me no were, so you may as well get out of your pee brain.


See shows your nothing but a troll , You wish harm on someone because of words of someone you never even meet in real life , Why do you let words butt hurt you so bad , why do you let me in your head so much ? Its not like you really know me in real life.

You ever hear of Karma , when you wish bad things on others , it most likely happens to the person who wishes it .


See I know your little game, most of the time you make a post like the 1st one in this post , under another name to bait up the post, then you change names in order to act like your butt hurt over some words someone said.

Trolls don't even see there prey as real people . There are many articles on the internet were some have killed themselves and all other kind of bad stuff happened because of trolls , there's many that like to legal action be brought against your kind . Because you troll no matter who it hurts you don't care as long as you get your cheap thrill. How many times you going change your name lol?

So I don't let you into my head I just give you hell back , and get into your head.


I dont care what you wish, or what you don't wish, or what you call me , and I dont need your respect , I dont stand to gain nothing in real life from it . To me your just some troll that tries to be a dictator on a download blog that people come to get videos from , not to be chums or pals. I dont answer to you.

Tomorrow or 5 minutes from now, you will have a different name, because your a crowed that hides .


Oh not really , I belong to many sites , this just one out of many. Only reason I bothered signing up here was because once they removed captchas here, because they got sick of trolls like you.


They can turn off captchas here if they want, they done it before , when your signed in you dont have any plus you have filters if you dont want see certain tings you can filter them out.,

Some site because of trolls, became members only to post , some sites, are closed sites you have to sign in in order to see links and post. Some sites have anti spam were if you try make up a new name they have to approve what you say. Some sites dont allow posting at all , every site have different rules.


i need that to get rid of the trolls on here , If you have such add on how the hell do know we exist lol.


When i test this, it dont work on this site it only removes the comment box were you post , it only works on some sites , witch it hides all comments , so you would not be talking Oh Thank Heavens no ways. nice try troll.

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  • Feersum:

    These links are also for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Feersum:

    These links are for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Xanthmaster: IMO "DUAL" usually means TWO languages to choose from, i downloaded a dual file elsewhere...
  • dorfone:

    This is not dual. It is French only audio and subtitles.

  • Bionicone:

    My copy of this came out in Italian. Would not advise getting

  • buxxiik:

    Last part is unfortunately unavailable... any chance of a reup please? Thx.

  • mentalityx:

    Much appreciated mates.
