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Doctor Doctor AU S01E09 HDTV x264-FQM
Size: 354MB MP4 Streaming mkv H264 (HIGH) / AAC (LC) 720x404

Doctor Doctor
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[RR/NF/UL/OLw/UR/CU] Doctor Doctor AU S01E09 HDTV x264-FQM (354MB) - Snapshot 1[RR/NF/UL/OLw/UR/CU] Doctor Doctor AU S01E09 HDTV x264-FQM (354MB) - Snapshot 2
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) AAC (LC)
Video Resolution: 720x404
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3 Responses to "[RR/NF/UL/OLw/UR/CU] Doctor Doctor AU S01E09 HDTV x264-FQM (354MB)"

A coincidence? I think not.

Wasn't it only 2 weeks ago every 3rd post on the comments board was someone complaining about a corrupt rar?

And wasn't it about 1 1/2 weeks ago that Admin created a link about how to fix a corrupt rar?

Is it a coincidence that Admin stopped uploading rars? I think not.

It's going to be better for the majority of this sites users to not be bothered with rar files.

Most of us have fast internet connections and don't get corrupted downloads.

This change isn't going to please every user, but I think the majority of users those with a fast internet aren't going to care.

Personally since I started using this site and dealing with rar files it bothered me always needing to delete the rars and the infos and everything else that extracted from the rar. But I adapted to how things were done at this site.

I'm sure users can adapt to files not being in rars just as easily.


So your argument is that when we had rars, people complained about corrupt files. So now without rars, it's better, because no one knows when their download is corrupt?
Ignorance is bliss.

Without an integrity check (CRC, etc, as built in to rar), if you get a video glitch, you have no way to tell if it's a bad encode, or a bad download that you should redo.

I rarely get corrupted downloads, but a few times I did and was able to fix them using the recovery record.



No. I laid out the facts as I understand them.

Then I offered my opinion as to what those facts meant in this case.

Yes. I remember in the past 2 weeks every 3rd comment was about corrupt rar downloads. And yes I remember Admin did create a link to HOW TO FIX A CORRUPT RAR FILE less than 2 weeks ago.

I'm not one of the people that complained about corrupt RAR files.

In fact I've never complained about corrupt downloads period.

I don't care if files are RARd or not RARd this not my argument to win or lose. If anyone is ignorant as to how I feel about this issue it would have to be you.

I can only report that I've never had a corrupt RAR or Non RAR download. And further I can add that if I had my 'druthers I'd rather have single file uploads. And before you attack me again "my 'druthers" have no impact on what anyone else wants or needs at this site. Only mine.

I really wish I did get corrupt downloads as often as some people claim they do so I could see your point of view, but I don't.

I don't consider myself a downloading God or extremely lucky, but to never get corrupt or incomplete downloads in the past 8 years? No. The problem is not "naked" files vs. RAR files. Something is wrong on your end.

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Recent Comments

  • free2go:

    Fear 2025 S01E03 720p WEB-DL HEVC x265-RMTeam, please? Cheers!!

  • bitz:

    rest of the series?

  • bitz:

    why no consistency?
    every other week is no effing use

  • HyperBoric_Theosophy:

    Can we have a reasonable sized file hosted by a user friendly ClicknUpload? 1080p @128?

  • ubirattan:

    Que perda de tempo esse filme!? Como se joga dinheiro fora desse jeito?

  • daBimbo:


  • mentalityx:


  • smelmooo:

    Could you please add a clickupload version?

  • smelmooo:

    Would you please update and add the video?

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  • Jamestrosh:

    Links are active.
    Your "request" is basically spam.

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  • 0scar: @kellym2 Is this the one? Tinā (2025) If so...
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    the x265 rip is nothing but audio. Look at the file size, 92MB

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