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Ghosts 2019 S04E04 720p WEBRip x264-SKYFiRE
Size: 730MB mkv H264 (HIGH) / AAC (LC)  HD  1280x720

File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) AAC (LC)
Video Resolution: 1280x720
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5 Responses to "[RR/NF/CU] Ghosts 2019 S04E04 720p WEBRip x264-SKYFiRE (730MB)"

Ghosts 2019 S04E04 720p WEBRip x264-SKYFiRE & Ghosts 2019 S04E04 1080p WEBRip x264-SKYFiRE are missing the last 44 seconds + the entire end credits !!!


Any “complete” version of “Ghosts 2019 S04E04” available ??


@PACMOM @yopo

The 4th episode in the ...WEBRip.x264-ION10 in the "full season" pack is the only complete option on here. Each episode is in those are a separate link, so you can just download the episode and Each of the .srt for captions if you want them as they're all titled the same.

That option while not the resoltion and/or file style you may prefer is complete for the ending and the credits. It also has few more seconds at the opening start. Although even that one feels abrupt as there is nothing shown for Triggering Mary's event at the beginning. You get few more seconds of them gathered and talking with Mary standing in the background like she has some happy secret.


@PACMOM @yopo

Grab the episode out of season pack That has last part of shows and end credits. Along with few more seconds of the opening start, although it feels like it missing a something as Mary is just standing in the back like she has some happy secret about to be spilled.Then they find rob and ...spoiler... The S04E04 by x264-ion10 is as complete as I've found. Hopefully a repack/Proper will be rereleased but I wouldn't count on it, "Scene release" DDL may be your other option


Please, can you add "Ghosts 2019 S04E02 RERIP 720p WEBRip x264-SKYFiRE" ??

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Recent Comments

  • WalterWhite27:

    Please Admin, reupload this English Dubbed set.... please

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

  • Jamestrosh: @Cinque_Persson & your many "sock puppet accounts" You're just another bra...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place

  • AegonV:

    there is no sub, it is marked forced english but naaaahhhhh

  • Demonz:

    Why a Webrip when there's a Bluray half the size 4 months ago ?

  • WalterWhite27:

    No ep 11??

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.2 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.1 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • voiture88: @Admin Please, can you add "Greys.Anatomy.S21E11.I.Still.Havent.Found.2023.What.Im.Looking.for....
