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Golden Boy 1966 DVDRIP X264-WATCHABLE
Size: 1.1GB mkv H264 (HIGH) / AAC (LC) 720x540

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File Information
                         __/\___                              _____)  (__
                        _)     (_                             \    )_* _(
         ________  ____/___ --   \ ________________ _____ ____|    | \/
        `-._    /  \    _.-'      !             _.-'    ||    |    |
            |   |  |   |    |     |            |        ||    _    |.. you
            |   |/\|   |    |     |            |  |-------    |    |   ain't
            |          |    |     |            |         |    |    |   classic!
            |  __/\__  |  __|__   |            |         |    |    |
            | _)    (_ | _)    (_ |____   _____|_______  |  __|    |
   _________|/   --   \|/   __   \|    | _)____|  ____(_ | _) |    |_________
  `-------  !          !    |>    !    |/      |   __/  \|/  i|    |  -------'
    (____   |     |    |    |     \    !       !         !   x|    | _____)
     `----- |     |    |    |>    /    ---     |         :   x|    |-----'
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                 \|/       |/     |/           |/             |/
  `---------__________ p r o u d l y  P R E! s e n t s ____________ ---------'
                      \___________   A   _____________/
                       __________directed by__________
                      /                               \
                      |Memduh n, Ray Bowman, Andr Hunebelle |
  | cODEc used      x264 r3191     at a resolution of      720x540px      |
  | using Constant Rate Factor   20.0  resulted avg bitrate   1 806 kb/s  |
  |  in a .mkv container followin    AUDiO    was added:                  |
  | Audio 01: Turkish AAC LC 1 channel 78.5 kb/s                          |
  | Subs  01: English (full) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced               |
  | imDB........:                   |
  | imDB-rATiNG.: 6.7/10  (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 45 votes       |
  | ofDB........:,                            |
  | ofDB-rATiNG.: 6.0/10  (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( ) @ 3 votes        |
  | runtime of  1 h 25 min 40 s will plot a    Adventure     as following |
  |                                                                       |
  | Turkish spy Golden Boy takes a London vacation while, back in         |
  | Istanbul, baddies are running rampant shooting people and thwarted    |
  | secret messages with wild abandon. Turns out this mayhem is all the   |
  | handiwork of a nefarious, Blofeld-esque bad baddie (Gnbay) who       |
  | enjoys petting a white kitty cat when he isn't plotting to blow up    |
  | Turkey with a atomic bomb. Can our Golden Boy stop it in time when    |
  | he isn't distracted by all the belly dancers and extended fist        |
  | fights?                                                               |
  | no news is good news.                                                 |
                          Releasedate: 2024/07/10                           
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) AAC (LC)
Video Resolution: 720x540
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Recent Comments

  • yopo: @Admin Please, can you add "The Neighborhood S07E13 Welcome to Not Being in It 1080p AMZN WEB-D...
  • newuser:

    need english subtitles

  • yopo: @Admin Please, can you add "Virdee S01E04 480p HDTV x264-RMTeam" ??
  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • kang:

    Grimsburg S02E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS !!!

  • kang:

    Family Guy S23E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS at the end !!!

  • memens:

    hi, any chance to upload full tv show please?

  • drorsabi1:

    please upload skymed season 3 episode 9

  • ruf999:


  • Xanthmaster: @admin this is only half the movie, the full movie is 107 minutes, this half is only 51 minutes. A...
  • ppoo: @Admin "Miss Austin S01E04 480p HDTV x264-RMTeam" is still missing !!! Can you do somethin...
  • ppoo:

    No "Optics S01E04" ???

  • Movies8633: This is the wrong episode. This is the 50th anniversary that was hosted by Steve Martin that aired o...
