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Powerless S01E09 Emergency Punch Up 720p WEBRip HEVC x265-RMTeam
Size: 129MB  RMTeam x265  mkv HEVC (MAIN) / AAC (LC)  HD  1280x720 +Subtitle

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[RR/NF/UL/OL/UR] Powerless S01E09 Emergency Punch Up 720p WEBRip HEVC x265-RMTeam (129MB) - Snapshot 1
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: HEVC (MAIN) AAC (LC)
Video Resolution: 1280x720
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6 Responses to "[RR/NF/UL/OL/UR] Powerless S01E09 Emergency Punch Up 720p WEBRip HEVC x265-RMTeam (129MB)"

I beg to differ, I just grabbed it (from OL) and it's the same as my s01e07 720p hdtv x265 rmt

Definitely not eps 8, BUT NOT eps. 9 either


Any word on a "Real" or "Proper" for Ep. 9 ?? ;-)


LOL, so I now have 4 copies of 1x07, PSA and MeGusta also used the same source file :-)

Oh well, it'll show up eventually, but if it doesn't say "real" or "proper" or something, I AIN'T touching it, I have enough versions of 1x07 ;-)


If I wasn't confused before I am now (completely). lordlegendiv is right according to IMDB, the one I'm saying is eps. 7, it's description and screenshots are in place of eps. 9. and it's saying it aired 4 days ago, I've had the one labeled "s01e07 hdtv x265 RMTeam" for two weeks.

But at least going by description I'm missing the one named "Van v Emily: Dawn of Justice", so I will now see if I can hunt that one down. ALSO, this one is 'named' correctly, it is "Emergency Punch Up", as for the number, I'll work that out later, I just want to make sure I have nine different eps. to date :-)


OK, I now have all 9. grabbed s01e07.real.hdtv.x265-rmt
(which I missed after grabbing the first release)

And it is 'Van v Emily: Dawn of Justice'.


AHHHHH, THANK YOU for the very informative explanation, that was awesome. Even included an answer to a question I didn't ask :-) where all the HDTV releases, with no logo or annoying little pop-up ads were from, wild feeds.... cool

Thanks again,


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Encoding Queue:  x264  x265

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Recent Comments

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RM-Team encode of this DOC...

  • WalterWhite27:

    Please Admin, reupload this English Dubbed set.... please

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

  • WalterWhite27:

    This is NOT DUAL! All English codecs are mute!
    German soundtracks only!

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  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place
