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Shining Girls S01E01 720p WEB h264-KOGi
Size: 1.4GB mkv H264 (HIGH) / EAC3  HD  1360x676

Shining Girls
File Information
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     title: Cutline
      size: 1.4 GiB
   runtime: 00:54:41.529
resolution: 1360 x 676
   bitrate: 3,656 kb/s
     audio: E-AC-3 @ 768 kb/s (5.1) (Dolby Atmos) / English
      subs: English, English (SDH), Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish
            (España), Spanish (Latinoamérica), Estonian, Finnish, French (Canada), French
            (France), Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian,
            Latvian, Malay, Dutch, Dutch (Nederland), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese
            (Brasil), Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish,
            Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Chinese(简体), Chinese, Chinese(繁體)
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) EAC3
Video Resolution: 1360x676
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1 Response to "[RR/NF] Shining Girls S01E01 720p WEB h264-KOGi (1.4GB)"

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Encoding Queue:  x264  x265

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Recent Comments

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka RapidRabbit98
    You are going to hot place

  • SteveD:

    Can you get the Amazon movie Armed 2025? thanx

  • chice133:

    One at a time WTF

  • Admln:

    'cos yo' brain'z half the size

  • blackthorne16:

    English, German or French subtitles would be welcome.

  • waanaabe:

    Sucks that they wasted a good pun on this

  • D3m0N81:

    Waiting for "720p-x265" RMTeam encode...

  • waanaabe: Why do they keep directing to this file as if was different episodes (in the "latest" colu...
  • Sc0ttfuh:

    @Cinque_Persson aka Demonz, lightsron
    You are going to hot place

  • Sc0ttfuh:

    You are going to hot place

  • AegonV:

    there is no sub, it is marked forced english but naaaahhhhh

  • Demonz:

    Why a Webrip when there's a Bluray half the size 4 months ago ?

  • WalterWhite27:

    No ep 11??

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.2 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • timt:

    Great movie but file way too large for download. 7.1 Gb can get the same resolution at 1 Gb.

  • voiture88: @Admin Please, can you add "Greys.Anatomy.S21E11.I.Still.Havent.Found.2023.What.Im.Looking.for....
  • waanaabe:



  • waanaabe:


    full seasons Wild Cards

  • waanaabe: YESSSSSSSSS!!! (But then.. 2 more years of waiting? )
  • blueybaby:

