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The Monuments Men 2014 CAM x264 AC3 TiTAN
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The Monuments Men
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[UL/HuF]  The Monuments Men 2014 CAM x264 AC3 TiTAN (996MB) - Snapshot 1[UL/HuF]  The Monuments Men 2014 CAM x264 AC3 TiTAN (996MB) - Snapshot 2
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17 Responses to "[UL/HuF] The Monuments Men 2014 CAM x264 AC3 TiTAN (996MB)"

Dear Troll, you just told every one something they can see by looking at the screens.

And if you cared about quality yourself, you would not be watching a cam. You act like rapidmoviez was the only site that posted it , I see same release all over the web.


The reason I called you a troll is because of your user name , Anyone that uses such user names with vulgar words in them are just trolling. No ones knows who you are are even cares what you say because your hiding behind a troll name.

You didn't even make a good point , anyone can see the screens and see that it has website watermarks , When you watch cams your subject to get bad quality , its pretty normal for cams to crap. Me myself will at lest wait for an HDrip. If you don't like crap quality I suggest you do the same thing.

You watch cams , use a troll name , and put down a website that post free stuff , your most likely are really 13 If your not why do you bring it up? Nothing wrong with being 13 , I wish I were again .


@Piece just leave it bud all you'll get is an essay of blabber in return and then a few insults thrown in for good measure just do what the rest of us do let him ramble on cause ud end up getting bored after a few mins but ull see yourself now ill get the essay now after this comment and the usual bla bla ba


You Insulted me before, @bass so you have no room to talk.

I just don't see the point of him trashing a website , that posted him some free links to something he didn't have pay for.

And whatever you say he still has that troll name .

You can look at the screens abve and see it has those watermarks , you should never downloaded it to begin with if you didn't want them.

Witch they most likey didn't download there just wanting to troll.


who gives a crap what name he uses you just love giving out about everything and anything if its not up to ur standards and i do have room to talk and say whatever i feel and i no i insulted ya cause just like most that comment on here they got sick of ya bashing people just saying whatever they wanted


Last time there was and insult match on here the admins deleted all our post incing yours . So there getting tired of it . I was bothering you just like 90% time no one is , you just put your nose in others biz whacks. I came on here to what links they had something they had, and this butt hurt troll was just answering me back 4 days latter.


You know why your post got deleted because you made fun of another member that was complaining about insulting matches on here typing in caps . You put your nose somewhere it don't don't belong as always.


1st time I ever seen you last year on this site , you was up in the middle of and argument. I was having with a troll that has the same type user name as PIECE OF SH*T.

Ether you are this troll or you dont know how to stay of others debates.


have ya a troll fetish or something all it is is troll this troll that troll the next do ya think im arsed if me comments are deleted nope i aint all ya go on is a rant every time as if you'll get some nobel prize for it cause all i see everytime from ya is ya bashing people as said above when its not up to ur standards and ya hate it when ya get a taste your own medicine


I don't know if your that troll are not , but for some odd reason every time someone has a debate on this site you always have your nose stuck up our butts .

Every time I see you your up in someones post being a troll cheerleader , Go Go Trolls , I was here over 2 years before you ever came here . And one day you just jumped in post being noisy.


It looks like after 8 or 9 months you would get the picture , I don't care what you like or don't like.

When I 1st came here I hardly ever posted , this site was a great reprieve from the other site were the free links were and the trolls were. But when mike got tired of it and shut it down , The users came from there to here and trolls came too and started badgering me .

I don't care what you like or don't like bass because me are you don't have nothing conman , seems you just be here to edge on arguments is all, I don't need your advice .


debate haha ya throw abuse at people hows that debating anything wow ya were here before me heres 20p now phone someone that cares about it i dont edge on anything you make your own problems and others basically tell ya straight about it and thats what ya hate is when ur pulled up about it


You just like to argue don't you? Really I have no problems thats real when it comes to a website when I shut the page its gone.

I just came here to look up some links to see if they had what I was looking for witch they didn't have so I have get them else were , I seen this guy putting the website down 4 days ago he deiced answer me back 4 days latter so I answered him back.

Every since I been talking to your noisy butt , because you always get in to middle of every thing we say on here like you have any pull ,at least I'm in reality and no it don't make a darn what no one thanks of me on a download blog.

You have no more say than I do at this blog. I wasted my time talking to you. I should had just ignored your noisy butt.


you insulted the fella and he never even said 1 word to ya to begin with so dont use the oh im the innocent 1 in all of this big deal he said something bad about a site boo hoo come back to real life cause if ya try kiss up to the site anymore ull prob ask it for its hand in marriage in a virtual wedding be like that film Her where he falls in love with a machine or whatever it is


Well the way I see it you should grateful to have a site that gives you free links instead saying they post they worst encodes on the web.

You don't want insulted, don't insult the hand that feeds you.

Does he need your help to defend his self ? What going you going to do jump on this webpage and beat me up? No your going to try to beat me up with words that you cant even speak that you goggle translate to talk back at me.


i dont need fists to solve arguments lol sure if ya dont want people at ya then stop throwing insults or abuse at them if they say something that doesnt involve you at all or is anything remotely concerning ya and ya might have a happy time then i wasnt defending him i was basically telling him that was better off not responding to ya cause all he would get is a barrage of horse shite cause the more ya keep doing it the more it will keep happening


Half the time when you type, I don't even read what you say so how are solving arguments.

I'm dyslexic and I get bored really easy , If I get tired I make alot of spelling mistakes , but at lest I read and speak English very well.

When I try to read what you say, it all looks like Its all jumbled together like you use goggle translated your worse than bad subtitles.

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    These links are also for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Feersum:

    These links are for The Diplomat US show, not the UK one.

  • Xanthmaster: IMO "DUAL" usually means TWO languages to choose from, i downloaded a dual file elsewhere...
  • dorfone:

    This is not dual. It is French only audio and subtitles.

  • Bionicone:

    My copy of this came out in Italian. Would not advise getting

  • buxxiik:

    Last part is unfortunately unavailable... any chance of a reup please? Thx.

  • mentalityx:

    Much appreciated mates.

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    Please upload eps 2,3,4,5,6 of clicknupload in 480p please thank u

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    Please upload ep 2,3,4,5,6, in 480p of small town big story
