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The Post-Truth World 2022 1080p WEB h264-KOGi
Size: 6.4GB mkv H264 (HIGH) / EAC3  HD  1920x1080

Zui hou zhen xiang
File Information
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     title: The Post-Truth World
      size: 6.4 GiB
   runtime: 02:00:22.417
resolution: 1920 x 1080
   bitrate: 7,628 kb/s
     audio: E-AC-3 @ 640 kb/s (5.1) / Chinese
      subs: English (forced), Arabic, Spanish, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean,
            Malay, Portuguese, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese (Traditional)
            (forced), Chinese, Chinese
File Container: MKV
Video/Audio Codec: H264 (HIGH) EAC3
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
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The Post-Truth World 2022 1080p WEB h264-KOGi

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Encoding Queue:  x264  x265

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Recent Comments

  • newuser:

    need english subtitles

  • yopo: @Admin Please, can you add "Virdee S01E04 480p HDTV x264-RMTeam" ??
  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • twinkletoes:

    Please could you provide English subtitles and NOT Danish! Wait patiently... ty

  • kang:

    Grimsburg S02E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS !!!

  • kang:

    Family Guy S23E03 720p HDTV x264-SYNCOPY = OOS at the end !!!

  • memens:

    hi, any chance to upload full tv show please?

  • drorsabi1:

    please upload skymed season 3 episode 9

  • ruf999:


  • Xanthmaster: @admin this is only half the movie, the full movie is 107 minutes, this half is only 51 minutes. A...
  • ppoo: @Admin "Miss Austin S01E04 480p HDTV x264-RMTeam" is still missing !!! Can you do somethin...
  • ppoo:

    No "Optics S01E04" ???

  • Movies8633: This is the wrong episode. This is the 50th anniversary that was hosted by Steve Martin that aired o...
  • dsra545212315:

  • dsra545212315: @ADMIN PLEASE ADD 'Nine Bodies in A Mexican Morgue S01E01 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab'
  • wxe09104:

  • wxe09104:
