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Member's Area Discussion

From now on, visitors can register an account or use one of their facebook / google / yahoo account to login into the site. Right now, new features are commenting without captcha and filtering the contents. we will add some new features soon.

Please let us know the possible problems and / or your suggestions about the features you need or like to be available on the site.


Previous discussion: Rapidshare Discussion

7136 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 5061 to 5080)

Someone downloading this shit? Anyways, there's nothing going on right now, what gives?


She-Hulk has to be the worst TV series of 2022. I watched all 3 episodes just to make sure it was as bad as the 1st episode. Absolutely pure RUBBISH. Why Roth & Ruffalo would even have considered acting in this must of been a damn good pay cheque.CGI's were so bad they looked like a child had tried to create the effects. Wow that's a long comment for me LOL Thought I would drop this comment in here as well for all to read my take on this series.


I'm Not an admin nor Mod , but definitely a fan of how awesome they,the Rapid Moviez Admin Team are and everything they do behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. I'll try to give you some help as fellow user. RMZ keep the site constantly up and free from being over run with spam, while still allowing easy and less invasive account registration.

You likely saw the page number drop as an admin was deleting spam that was posted on this forum. That causes the number of posts to drop, the posts per page to drop, moving all posts backwards for their number and that causes the pages to go to their normal X number post per page. Which is where you saw a 256 page of posts to now they're on page 255 per your example. All the posts that mattered are still there, any posts that were "click here for hot babes in you local area that want you" are purged with the upmost prejudice, as they should be.

I do not know of way to edit your posts, once you hit "submit commit " , you're committed and even deleting post isn't an option. You might have a different option depending on your browser and what Extensions/Apps you have installed that block ads and possible annoyances, as they can have unintentional affects of making features disappear from to unspecific code to stop any ads and/or annoyances. Whitelisting the site may help with that. Although, even your anti-virus maybe even altering the page... Although I haven't seen a way to edit , nor delete when I tried changing things by shutting them off.

Unless you request the admins for help (they may or may not see a request here) and these forums are not how you reach them directly. Then again they may have already removed a post because it needed to be removed...
Because you maybe posted something you rather the world not see, maybe something you didn't mean but were venting stupidly and/or toxicaly at the time. Then comes posts where someone may have mental/emotional health and/or medicine induced issues, like where that they should be asleep but are up and posting in a way that looks worse than drunk posting....
The Admins are pretty tolerant of posts expressing frustration and attacking them (they don't get paid and yet get all the abuse as if a Customer Service Rep. , being Mod/Admin sucks that way) yet they will often leave those up. They Moderate and only delete (silence/censor) someone's post when it clearly is spam, very offensive, and/or in doing so, they are saving the poster embarrassment from post that clearly anyone would want removed.

The RM Team have your back in ways you never thought of......

A lot of the site's functions may be automated like batch processing and creating uploads to the file hosting services, which only makes sense because the sheer amount of time it takes. They can't watch and check each re-encode for errors especially when there 5-10 per each episode/film

Meanwhile the ADMINs are very fast on creating New Film/Show/series pages when a new series/film is released often withing the first 30 minutes to hour of it going live on the streaming services. Their files come from Scene sources, and are often large sizes which they re-encode in several size formats to give the user an option of high quality and smaller size than some of the originals releases.

These Top Scene Sites/Sources are places the common users wouldn't have access to unless you become someone as important in this "Scene Releases" by running similar website at your costs hoping to break even and maybe eventually become popular enough to make some funds over the monthly server storage and bandwidth bills. Then just when you think you have some profit, something goes bad on your equipment at the hosting service and any reserve in the bank account is going o new hardware to help keep the site up and running. When you think about that for every person that posts there 10,000-20,000+ that don't just come and scrape the site for the content, never leaving even thank you or helpful post.....

Then you'll start to understand how much the RapidMoviez Admin Team does for all of us. For a free site that has high traffic, notice that is very rarely every down or unreachable, unless being under a severe attack. During that they're scrambling to get the site back up online and counter professional hackers and/or bot nets trying to take them down and offline for spite. When they win, and finally get a second to catch their breath, then they have bunch of people crying and complaining that had to wait few minutes or day for something free. That they could have gone and paid to have right now if it was that critical.

Also Oscar2, Please Try to put all you questions and comments in 1 single post, it will still be seen but by posting a bunch of posts, you bump other people's from the list on the website, flooding them off before they can be seen. Don't be that person....

Also the forums are monitored but if you really need to get a hold of an admin, use the email address they provide you for contact on the website. The forumns are for users to interact and help each other more than Admins/Mods to interact. Because if they post in specific thread, it will immediately get filled up by people jumping in to post whatever gripe fest they have because an Admin posted in the forum. Basically making hard to see the users problem and the answer given.

Plus the RMZ Admins have lives to live, they can't hangout all day 24/7 just waiting to answer requests/comments.

Plus the free options download options (that has rules by their own sites which vary by each one) are often only available for only so long and while the file is active (any activity restarts the will be deleted if no activity in 30-ish days type deal), after that you switch on to needing the longer retention file hosting services. Which will cost you for the privilege of being an on demand forever archive and having higher speed downloads.

Which if you want to support Rapid Moviez for all they do , and if you are financially able, buying a subscription on those services is a way to help the site be there for everyone and you get the perk of the entire back catalog being available and at higher speeds for downloading.

Hope this helps you some mate, and you see it. Although tagging you doesn't really work well (that's why it's nice to quote who and what you replying to, requires a manual Copy & Paste) and my post will be bumped down from the side of page showing new and reply posts, from new posts quickly also. That's just from the normal regularly traffic, not counting someone posting a bunch of individual messages, flooding the feed.

So, Welcome Oscar2 and I hope you enjoy your time here. Direct Download DDL sites work different than torrents, you have to grab it when its fresh and even then the file hosting services will try to get you pay for faster download experience with less annoyance.


I'm Not an admin nor Mod , but definitely a fan of how awesome they,the Rapid Moviez Admin Team are and everything they do behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. I'll try to give you some help as fellow user. RMZ keep the site constantly up and free from being over run with spam, while still allowing easy and less invasive account registration.

You likely saw the page number drop as an admin was deleting spam that was posted on this forum. That causes the number of posts to drop, the posts per page to drop, moving all posts backwards for their number and that causes the pages to go to their normal X number post per page. Which is where you saw a 256 page of posts to now they're on page 255 per your example. All the posts that mattered are still there, any posts that were "click here for hot babes in you local area that want you" are purged with the upmost prejudice, as they should be.

I do not know of way to edit your posts, once you hit "submit commit " , you're committed and even deleting post isn't an option. You might have a different option depending on your browser and what Extensions/Apps you have installed that block ads and possible annoyances, as they can have unintentional affects of making features disappear from to unspecific code to stop any ads and/or annoyances. Whitelisting the site may help with that. Although, even your anti-virus maybe even altering the page... Although I haven't seen a way to edit , nor delete when I tried changing things by shutting them off.

Unless you request the admins for help (they may or may not see a request here) and these forums are not how you reach them directly. Then again they may have already removed a post because it needed to be removed...
Because you maybe posted something you rather the world not see, maybe something you didn't mean but were venting stupidly and/or toxicaly at the time. Then comes posts where someone may have mental/emotional health and/or medicine induced issues, like where that they should be asleep but are up and posting in a way that looks worse than drunk posting....
The Admins are pretty tolerant of posts expressing frustration and attacking them (they don't get paid and yet get all the abuse as if a Customer Service Rep. , being Mod/Admin sucks that way) yet they will often leave those up. They Moderate and only delete (silence/censor) someone's post when it clearly is spam, very offensive, and/or in doing so, they are saving the poster embarrassment from post that clearly anyone would want removed.

The RM Team have your back in ways you never thought of......

A lot of the site's functions may be automated like batch processing and creating uploads to the file hosting services, which only makes sense because the sheer amount of time it takes. They can't watch and check each re-encode for errors especially when there 5-10 per each episode/film

Meanwhile the ADMINs are very fast on creating New Film/Show/series pages when a new series/film is released often withing the first 30 minutes to hour of it going live on the streaming services. Their files come from Scene sources, and are often large sizes which they re-encode in several size formats to give the user an option of high quality and smaller size than some of the originals releases.

These Top Scene Sites/Sources are places the common users wouldn't have access to unless you become someone as important in this "Scene Releases" by running similar website at your costs hoping to break even and maybe eventually become popular enough to make some funds over the monthly server storage and bandwidth bills. Then just when you think you have some profit, something goes bad on your equipment at the hosting service and any reserve in the bank account is going o new hardware to help keep the site up and running. When you think about that for every person that posts there 10,000-20,000+ that don't just come and scrape the site for the content, never leaving even thank you or helpful post.....

Then you'll start to understand how much the RapidMoviez Admin Team does for all of us. For a free site that has high traffic, notice that is very rarely every down or unreachable, unless being under a severe attack. During that they're scrambling to get the site back up online and counter professional hackers and/or bot nets trying to take them down and offline for spite. When they win, and finally get a second to catch their breath, then they have bunch of people crying and complaining that had to wait few minutes or day for something free. That they could have gone and paid to have right now if it was that critical.

Also Oscar2, Please Try to put all you questions and comments in 1 single post, it will still be seen but by posting a bunch of posts, you bump other people's from the list on the website, flooding them off before they can be seen. Don't be that person....

Also the forums are monitored but if you really need to get a hold of an admin, use the email address they provide you for contact on the website. The forumns are for users to interact and help each other more than Admins/Mods to interact. Because if they post in specific thread, it will immediately get filled up by people jumping in to post whatever gripe fest they have because an Admin posted in the forum. Basically making hard to see the users problem and the answer given.

Plus the RMZ Admins have lives to live, they can't hangout all day 24/7 just waiting to answer requests/comments.

Plus the free options download options (that has rules by their own sites which vary by each one) are often only available for only so long and while the file is active (any activity restarts the will be deleted if no activity in 30-ish days type deal), after that you switch on to needing the longer retention file hosting services. Which will cost you for the privilege of being an on demand forever archive and having higher speed downloads.

Which if you want to support Rapid Moviez for all they do , and if you are financially able, buying a subscription on those services is a way to help the site be there for everyone and you get the perk of the entire back catalog being available and at higher speeds for downloading.

Hope this helps you some mate, and you see it. Although tagging you doesn't really work well (that's why it's nice to quote who and what you replying to, requires a manual Copy & Paste) and my post will be bumped down from the side of page showing new and reply posts, from new posts quickly also. That's just from the normal regularly traffic, not counting someone posting a bunch of individual messages, flooding the feed.

So, Welcome Oscar2 and I hope you enjoy your time here. Direct Download DDL sites work different than torrents, you have to grab it when its fresh and even then the file hosting services will try to get you pay for faster download experience with less annoyance.


Why do members get to block comments or Posts? Don't want others to see the truth about them? Good or Bad. Talking about You RMTeam.


Is it possible to have all episodes and seasons of The West Wing uploaded through 264???? All of Season One is complete but others are only partially on or only on 265. Would dearly love to see this series again??????Many thanks for all your hard work and its certainly much appreciated.


"Sky West and Crooked" starring Hayley Mills and Ian McShane. PAL DVD rip. Not great because the DVD isn't that great, being only single layer with less than 4 gig of content. But it's better than what's on YouTube. I cropped the sides to remove the black edges and used a mild denoise setting.


γεια σας εχω ενα ερωτημα. πως κατεβαζω ταινιες;


Can you reupload THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (1956) thanks


Three flicks I just downloaded from RMTeam the audio was commentary tracks. Also sometimes with their TV rips, the subtitle is non english. Smoking too much pot maybe? IDK, lol.

Would absolutely love it if there was a filter for IMDB ratings. Probably save at least a months worth of wasted time every year from having to scroll past all the 5 and below rated films... let alone carpal tunnel issues from doing so, lol.


Recommendation request - are there any good sites for premium podcast content (podcasts that require paid subscription)?

Examples of what I mean - Batman Unburied, Oral History of the Office, Marvel's Jessica Jones Playing with Fire, Marvel's Black Panther Sins of the King, Marvel's Thor Metal Gods, Wonder Woman Heartless, Batman The Blind Cut, Black Widow Bad Blood

Batman The Audio Adventures is another example, though they were posted here as videos off HBOMax (and the audio of the first season was eventually released free).

Any help appreciated.

(Also still seeking the missing Talking Dead episodes and Talking Saul episode)


hi is there any way someone can find and post all 3 seasons of Merli (2015-2018) with English Subtitles.
on Rapidrar???

pleeeaaasssee and ty


Tyler Perrys Zatima please?


Could you please put on "THE TWELVE" TV series as 264xrm team?
There's only packs listed and I'm unable to d/l. Many thanks and appreciate your hard work.


thanks but I need to download the videos with english subs due to me not being able to got on the internet all the time.


is there anyway someone can reupload
Perfect strangers (2004) with Rob Lowe


hi is there anyway someone can post these movies for me

1-A Royal Surprise (2022) (Bet Network)
2-With Love (2022) (Amazon)
3-How Not To Purpose (2015) (Pixl Network)
4-A Secret Between Friends: A Moment Of Truth (1996) (Nbc Network)
5-A Bridesmaid In Love (2022) (Up/Uptv Network)
6-The Nature Of Romance (2021) (Up/Uptv Network)
7-Diamond In The Rough (2019) (Up/Uptv Network)
8-Plan A Plan B (2022) With English Subtitles Please
9-Rich In Love (2020) With English Subtitles Please
10-Caught By A Wave (2021) With English Subtitles Please

I know it's a lot to ask for especially all at once
please try to find them for me
hopfully with 720P links



Is there anyway to reget
WALK. RIDE. RODEO. (2019) with Missi Pyle

plus I would like
Francesca Quinn, PI (2022) hallmark movie

720p please


Walk Ride Rodeo
Francesca Quinn Pi


Would it be possible for someone to please post "The Repair Shop" Episodes 8, 9 and 10.or direct me to where I can find them.

Thank you ...Scotty

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