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Member's Area Discussion
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7194 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 2701 to 2720)

Hi TheOfficialTomMix
iZombie S04E03 Brainless in Seattle Part 1 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 HEVC x265-RMTeam (638MB)
iZombie S04E03 Brainless in Seattle Part 1 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 HEVC x265-RMTeam (638MB)
iZombie S04E03 1080p WEB HEVC x265-RMTeam (713MB)
What would be the difference between the 3 above files then.
I'm trying to understand which one would be the best quality for the smallest possible file .
Thx in advance.

I am not writing to agree or disagree with Tom Mix. What I have to say, however, regards Tom Mix's decision to bring this battle to a fever pitch. In the text that follows we will dissect and examine its actions and leave the conclusion, with no tipping of the scales, to the logic of the facts. We begin with the observation that “interdifferentiation” is sometimes narrowly defined by maledicent recidivists. If that fact hurts, get over it; it's called reality. And for another dose of reality, consider that Tom Mix would have us sugarcoat the past and dispense false optimism for the future. May God, in his restraining mercy, forbid that we should ever do this most sanctimonious and yawping thing!
The legality of outraging the very sensibilities of those who value freedom and fairness is definitely something for the sharp-suited legal types to look into. All I can say on the matter is that its litanies are becoming increasingly bookish. They have already begun to promote promiscuity and obscene language. Now fast-forward a few years to a time in which they have enabled Tom Mix to shift our society from a culture of conscience to a culture of consensus. If you don't want such a time to come then help me reach out to the poor, the marginalized, and those unfortunate enough to have been labeled as mindless by Tom Mix's propaganda machine. Help me stand as a witness in the divine court of the Eternal Judge and proclaim that Tom Mix has done inestimable damage to everything around it. As I have said many times in the past, this is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Let me therefore state that Tom Mix's bons mots are evil. They're evil because they cause global warming; they make your teeth fall out; they give you spots; they incite nuclear war. And, as if that weren't enough, each time we see Tom Mix extinguish the voices of opposition, we should realize that keeping the victims of its actions in our thoughts and prayers is not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel. It does nothing to prevent Tom Mix from inflicting the same horror someplace else. That's why I tell people that the real question here is not, “What will it take to pry loose the truth from Tom Mix's cold, dead heart?”. The real question is rather, “Where are the people who are willing to stand up and acknowledge that Tom Mix is a drooling, hydra-headed monster of force and terror?” There aren't enough hours in the day to fully answer that question, but consider this: If we look beyond Tom Mix's delusions of grandeur, we see that we need to look beyond the most immediate and visible problems with it. We need to look at what is behind these problems and understand that it's a serial exaggerator. If I were to be less kind, I'd say Tom Mix is a liar. Either way, when its vindictive utterances are translated into plain, words-mean-things English, Tom Mix appears to be saying that it values our perspectives. For me, this iracund moonshine serves only to emphasize how I shall not argue that Tom Mix's newsgroup postings are an authentic map of its plan to prevent me from sleeping soundly at night. Read them and see for yourself.
Tom Mix believes that it is everyone's obligation to hamstring our efforts to build alliances to combat factionalism and Leninism. That view is anathema to the cause of liberty. If it is not loudly refuted our future will be dire indeed. Tom Mix avers that its reports have contributed more to human knowledge than anything else in history. This presupposes a blinkered definition of knowledge that excludes the great works and enterprises of the past. Real knowledge comes from an understanding that Tom Mix wonders why everyone hates it. Apparently, it never stopped to think that maybe it's because it asserts that the Queen of England heads up the international drug cartel. That assertion is not only untrue but a conscious lie. Having reached this letter's desition, I just want to leave you with the thought that Tom Mix needs some serious professional help.

Please upload The Voice S14 E08 ( 480p) as soon as possible as it seems lately this series is a bit later than usual.
Thanks for all your effort!

Can Someone please upload: The Loud House Season 3 Episode 9 of Net Gains/Pipe Dreams. Thank you.

There are 2 shows uploaded under the same title Gone.
Gone 2017 Investigation Discovery Documentary has 6 episodes: 1x01 Field of Broken Dreams, 1x02 Troubled Waters, 1x03 Paradise Lost, 1x04 Devil Among Us, 1x05 Missing Michele and 1x06 In a Dark Place.
The show that is linked to the IMDb page for Gone 2017 only has one episode uploaded here. It is from the Universal Channel and has 12 episodes: 1x01 Pilot, 1x02 Ride, 1x03 Crystal, 1x04 Tiger, 1x05 Family, 1x06 Savior, 1x07 Don't Go, 1x08 Romans, 1x09 Exigent Circumstances, 1x10 Secuestrado, 1x11 Demons, and 1x12 Rise. It's genre is Crime, Drama.
These two shows need to be separated. People are downloading episodes 2-6 of the documentary thinking they are the Crime, Drama show.

Just what is this troll trying to achieve by spending hours pasting paragraphs of gibberish here? No one reads it. Is it really giving you such a thrill? Can't get it up to jerk off, so you do this instead?
It does demonstrate that whatever "community" was here is well and truly dead. Admin doesn't give a fuck about whatever is posted in comments, may even encourage the moron "thanks" spam, so these shit-throwing monkeys can run riot.

I don't know what to make of TomMix's anecdotes. On the one hand, TomMix maintains control over his minions using intense peer pressure, manipulation of their guilt feelings, attacks on their sexuality, and fear. But on the other hand, I unequivocally gainsay TomMix's notion that he values our perspectives. I'm sure that everyone reading this is already familiar with his disdainful, intrusive inveteracies so I'll spare you the sordid details. Instead, I'll simply summarize with the comment that it's best to ignore TomMix as he takes things out of context; uses misleading, irrelevant, and out-of-date information; and misquotes legitimate authorities used misleadingly to support contentions that they did not intend and that are not true. In short, it is difficult to exaggerate the emotion and litigation that will flow from any efforts to move ahead with a process that serves the interests of our country and all its citizens. One thing is certain, though: I, speaking as someone who is not a stupid tosser, inarguably hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before TomMix does any real damage. Or is it already too late? The answer to this riddle lies in the observation that ignoring the real world and playing by make-believe rules is a bad idea. That represents yet more evidence—as if we needed more—that he's the secret player behind the present, maledicent political scene. TomMix must be brought out from behind the curtain before it's too late, before his slaveys deflect attention from his unwillingness to support policies that benefit the average citizen. The final point I'd like to make is that we can't turn back time. We can't undo the past. The choice we face today—and every day—is whether we should let TomMix use mass organization as a system of integration and control or, instead, if we should be brave enough to eschew blathering, churlish teetotalism.

Admin: First of all, thank you so very much for all the hard work you do here as I love all what you do for us so very much! Now, I know you are very busy with this great site and I don't want to be any bother or any inconvenience at all to you in any way, but if you could find the time could you please be so kind to do something about the trolling here? Many others and I find it very annoying and it's not good for our community here. Perhaps if there was at least an option to turn them off then that would be great! Also, if you need help please contact me as I am here to help! Thank you very much in advance and have a very special day! I love you all so very much and thanks again for all the hard work you do for us!

Does anyone know of a way to block all the comments here? I'm sick of looking at them.

This is what happens when you let monkeys out of their cage, they throw shit around the room.
"Teach your kids not to do drugs"
"Tell them they end up here if they dont make a life for themselves"

Admin popped in 6 months ago and promptly left handing over to the auto-bots.
The site is a mess, wrong postings, series misnamed, wrong series numbers, hell i cannot even see the adds and spam anymore, i am more shocked that the site hasn't been taken down!

They are all knowing about everything as well as smug, obnoxious, and a complete tool!

I can't seem to get the captchas to work very often with Chrome or IE when I'm logged out. This is my 20th try with chrome and IE, but it doesn't work, so I have to log back in to post this.
Perhaps that's why some people don't say thank you when they get a free UL coupon.
Hopefully the captcha system will soon be fixed, so I don't have to log in each time I want to post.
I also tried to block the Hindi Original Language films, while logged in, but they still appeared ... most likely because of what TomMix mentioned above.
And if I only try to block the 3D films, save the changes, then click My Releases, I get ZERO releases shown.
It's a mess that I don't have time to figure out, nor will I ever trust the filter system. If it doesn't work properly now, I assume that later on there will be other categories that will be blocked out even though I didn't choose to have them blocked ... and some stuff might be incorrectly categorized.
The filters are nice if you're just looking for Trailers, or something else that doesn't appear that often.

TomMix doesn't put across ideas well. Either doesn't make an impression at all, or others find explanations confusing. Also takes no notice whatsoever of the contributions of others. Steers clear of anything intellectually demanding. Not at all interested in dealing with unfamiliar ideas and concepts. Pays no heed to instructions, preferring to set him own agenda. Strongly individualistic and will not work with other people.
TomMix hates problems and will do everything possible to avoid them. Reacts negatively and pessimistically in the face of problems and is unable to deal with the situation, even when supported by others. Gives up and accepts defeat after even a minor setback. Lowers the morale of all around. Shows no inclination to lead, or tries to lead but completely fails to win the respect and support of the team. TomMix refuses to carry out tasks outside the job description or requiring extra work.
Missed more than 10 days without valid reason in 6 months. TomMix collapses quickly under pressure and produces very poor work – or none at all. When faced with a set of data, TomMix is completely unable to organize it or draw conclusions. TomMix is weak and vacillating. Always agrees with the other party and cannot maintain or defend his own position.
TomMix refuses to do anything that might involve physical risk or danger – and sees danger at every turn. Work is a low priority for TomMix. Keeping the job – or losing it – is of no concern to him. Frailty or repeated injury or sickness makes this person completely unsuited for a physically demanding job. Incapable of planning a job and always reacts spontaneously. Any plans written are badly structured and not followed.
Unsuited for contact with other people because of chronic fear of new situations. Or someone whose surly aggression drives others away. Responds badly to instructions and will not carry out a task or assignment unless it is demanded. Likely to demotivate others. Aggressive and difficult. TomMix regularly takes issue with colleagues and is not popular. Less than 50% of tasks are completed on time or to a good standard.
Constantly ignores the motivations and feelings of others, and is totally unsuited for sensitive negotiations. In all situations TomMix finds it difficult to focus on the task in hand. Low boredom threshold. A poor writer, unable to write coherent business reports or correspondence, even for internal use. Will never start a job unless instructed to do so, and never offers his own ideas.
Does not understand the importance of confidentiality and has given away private or sensitive information that can potentially damage a business or an individual. Has not produced a new idea, plan, product or method in the past six months. Always carries out duties haphazardly, without regard to priority or sequence. He is often found to be spending too long on the wrong thing, and frequently completes assignments late. In the current period, slipshod work by TomMix has been presented with serious inaccuracies, putting the business at risk.
Has no artistic capability or craft skills at all. TomMix is unable to apply professional experience and/or knowledge of people to forecast outcomes with any degree of accuracy. His forecasts are correct less than 30% of the time. Impolite, ill-mannered and brusque. Sometimes others might find it amusing, but there have been several occasions in the last six months when colleagues or customers have been upset by his lack of politeness and respect. Lack of concern for tidiness in the workplace makes his work-station inefficient and perhaps hazardous to self and others.
TomMix becomes resentful when others criticize. Does not learn from criticism and carries on behaving exactly as before. Work performance is at an inadequate level and TomMix is taking no steps to improve. He does not check work and has no sense of pride in performance. Always indecisive and muddled – incapable of reaching a firm decision, and this has created serious problems in the past 6 months. Leaves the responsibility for decision making to others … and should probably continue to do so. Late on more than 10 occasions in 6 months.

Lily Was Here 1989
Does anyone have a copy with english subtitles? If so, please upload here!
The soundtrack is the one of the best albums ever but would love to see the film.
I've tried many ways but nothing.
Be your best friend ever if you can offer it!
Mucho Thanks

At least you can not help. shut up.
The poetry is beautiful Ferdowsi:
Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.

When called idiot sometimes better to be quiet than open mouth and remove doubt.
Wise men don't play leapfrog with unicorns.

"If you can upload Torrent at least?"
Not gonna happen. If they (rmz) were to become yet another torrent site, it would stick out like tits on a bull... and to all intents and purposes become a target of DCMA investigators and hacks, cracks and anything else in between and that would render this site useless...
If you want torrent... goto torrent.
For the rest of us not bothered that there aren't any torrents here, a low profile would probably keep rmz free of unnecessary hassles.
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