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Member's Area Discussion
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7194 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 2481 to 2500)

Opps, on my horror list I meant to list Alien (1979), not Aliens (1986). I still loved Aliens, but I consider that more of an action thriller movie.

I'm not a big fan of Stephen King. I think most of his work is dopey. I got through The Stand, but it was WAY too long. I started The Dark Tower books, but I gave up on that.
Now I mostly just read memoirs.

Hey Admin - hope you're all keepin' good.
Thank you for all the incredible, varied & top quality entertainment you provide us all with - amazing work folks.
I'm sorry for asking & adding to your already hectic workload, but I was wondering if there'll be a "1080p.hdtv.hevc.x265.rmteam" rip uploaded for "The Tunnel S03E03", in the same way there has been for the previous 2 episodes, please?
Also, out of curiosity & because i'm completely baffled at this (no-one can give me a reason either) - how come "The Tunnel Season 3 (Vengeance)" isnt available anywhere online in top quality rips such as "Amazon 720p / 1080p Web Rips" like we see with almost all other shows?
I havent seen any original file source that's used in the encoding for the 1st 3 episodes of "The Tunnel Season 3" higher than 1.4GB. This show has been finished since mid-January, 2018; yet on here - there's only 3 episodes available out of the 6 in total.
I'm not bitchin at the RM Team about any of the above - i'm just completely baffled that this show has been incredibly problematic to obtain a top quality version of, anywhere online - in the same manner almost all other shows are ripped in.
I've refrained from watchin any ep's so far, because the quality of the rips have been atrocious compared to most other shows & I dont want to ruin my 1st time viewing, when there's maybe Web Rips just around the corner.
Does anyone know the reasons why, for all of the above, please?
Cheers & have a goodun

@rdf123 - did you ever figure this out? I've been having the same problem for a couple of weeks. I've tried disabling my popup blockers and added to the 'allow' list for Flash in Chrome, but I can't get the one-click copy link back.

@boblinthewild - Hey buddy. Yeah, it's the same issue for me, but it doesnt bother me highlighting it & right-clicking it - then clicking option "Search google for right-clicking" - because i get the host file up on a new tab & navigate until IDM picks up the download..

I also liked Orson Scott Card Ender's series a lot, but they blew it with the movie. They left out some great parts, such as with his sister. Oh well.

Of your classic faves I've only read these:
H. G. Wells - The Time Machine
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
I read The Stranger by Albert Camus. I might of mentioned that. BTW, that book was shown in the movie Jacob's Ladder.
The Time Machine is a little off, being that Weena was as a little girl. Hmm.. I liked it though, he's a great writer IMO.
When i was a kid I loved the The Martian Chronicles. I guess that was the first book I read that I liked. Then Tolkien, Robert Heinlein, and so on..
Franz Kafka - The Trial, hmm.. that sound familiar.. I will check out those you put in bold.
Some required classics I read in grade school include The Scarlet Letter, Tom Sawyer, The Crucible, and The Grapes of Wrath. Some good lessons there. Sadly, I guess that's not a thing anymore with many US schools.
Much of the books I've read were for school. I didn't read much for many years, with video games and all, ha. Also, most books I've started, I've never finished.
Now that my eyes are somewhat poor, I tend to prefer audio books.
I share that philosophy.. My motto is: Prepare for the worst, avoid worry and have fun.
I did a series of some simple, sarcastic cartoons. One of them said:
I'm not lazy, I'm just extremely optimistic.
I see little problem with spawn living with their parents, especially while they're in school and/or saving money. Personally, I was out at 18, yet I still had a small workshop behind my folks house. That workshop became a home a few times when things got rough. But thanks to that I stayed out of debt and it all worked out fine. I also had a van to live in if need be, but it never came to that. Yup, living cheap is the way to go when you're starting out. Look at Apple computer, they started in a garage.
Funny thing is, by the time some dudes get the degree, the house, the car, and the wife, then their parents are so old they need help now, ha. As such, it's often better to plan for that early and live with your parents with your wife as you start a family. So, instead of investing in your own house, build an add-on to your parents house if need be or whatever.
That said, I've seen many of my so-called successful friends fail with debt, divorce, depression, and even suicide. They were all fools who followed a BS path.
Part of the BS starts when they say: I bought a house, I'm a homeowner. But that just means they are now in debt with a mortgage, ha.. When I hear such BS, that's far worse IMO than living in you're mother's basement for free.

Yup, when I was a kid, I only read the minimum of LOTR as it was somewhat of a prerequisite to play Dungeons & Dragons, which I enjoyed very much. Likewise, I cheated by watching the animated series, ha.
You don't have required reading in schools anymore, seriously?
IDK know how it all works, but I don't think there's ever been much of a national standard per se, leaving states, school districts, and teachers the freedom to make their own curriculum.
My nephew went through the same public school district as me, and AFAIK they where allowed to read whatever they wanted for English studies, without anything being specifically required that I know of. AFAIK the only required reading were with the course books. I don't know what they do in grades 1-3.
While I was there, about half of required reading for English was from a collection of selected books. Also, those studies were connected with Ethics/Social Studies, and History. Our teaches often worked together in such curriculums.. Also note, most required reading for English/literature was done in lower grades. By the time I was a senior I could read whatever I wanted, even if it wasn't in our school library. Also, by grade 9 I was reading books not found in our school library for extra credit and such. As such, we were able to get credit in various classes for reading the same book.
Other required books I left out were The story of Anne Frank and The Miracle Worker by William Gibson. With that, I think that's all of them.
Also note, in some school districts, I think some of the books I mentioned are now banned for kids. Also, kids are now required to get permission from their parents to get a public library card.. You know, so they can't read crazy books like The Catcher in the Rye, ha.
Have you ever thought of teaching English?
Your living situation sounds good. That's what I was taking about, families staying close to help each other out as need be.
The idea of living and working in another city away from elderly parents who need help, often makes for some rough decisions by the kids. Proper homes for the elderly are often very expensive.. You know the gig.
...this very site showed me logged in as thaone for a moment today. Isn't that cool?
Hmm.. That glitch seems common here.
So are you trolling here?
I guess there's mostly just 3 of us here now, and maybe Poppy?.. IDK.

I thought it was unlikely "Thaone" was actually downloading all the films he craps his "Thanks" on.
He's put his "Thanks" on all four release of "First We Take Brooklyn (2018)" today.
Thus proving this twat is either a bot or an autistic troll.

What you wrote was fine, just a that one mistake:
Also, I'm absolutely terrible at remembering all those grammar rules, be it in English or Polish. I was just always more working off a feeling if a sentence sounds right or not. So if I make a mistake, now you'll know why, ha.
Here's my pro rewrite of that:
Without putting much focus on grammar rules, I tend to rely on what feels right to me. As such I think I'm a good writer, but I still make some mistakes, ha.
Yup, trusting your feelings is good. For example, I could have said:
...I tend to depend on what feels right to me.
Yet I used rely instead.
If you want more help, I charge $60 per hour.

Grammarly is a Free App that fixes Grammar mistakes while you're still in your browser.
My ex-wife was a high school drop-out who got a college degree in English after her GED and ended up teaching grammar. Most of the time she sacrificed "telling" the message over being grammatically correct - So I won't pay anyone a Dollar to "fix" my mistakes. I'm just saying...

@cinauia code 3 error
Hmm.. Perhaps you are correct?! Regardless, I changed it. As we know, our online identity is the most important thing in life.

Well, as you said, you feel you have another year of slacking before you move on to the next thing. IDK know, but I would consider that a luxury to be appreciated and leveraged, right?
So, I tend to not give much advice. Rather, I find folks have it in them to figure such things out.
Nevertheless, you can depend on folks like me to point you in the wrong direction.
Seriously though, as you likely know, I'm happy to share what I know, even if it's wrong, ha. So feel free to ask. Also, I'm a pro at finding info on the web.
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