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Member's Area Discussion

From now on, visitors can register an account or use one of their facebook / google / yahoo account to login into the site. Right now, new features are commenting without captcha and filtering the contents. we will add some new features soon.

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Previous discussion: Rapidshare Discussion

7136 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 5481 to 5500)

What are the best way to get the clicknupload links that are not here. Do you ask here or do I say it under the comments for it. Thanks to all for cleaning this up for me.

Liked by Admin

@peyman1996 I KNOW of many free sites; but RMZ has advantages others don't: present old films/series as new content, as well and films/series from other countries*. Most sites are streamlined, only new and "big public" stuff, so I like the presentation here. NOTE: most other countries' sites are country and big public centered! And as with older stuff, you have to start by knowing what you're looking for. Here, it's introduced on home page. So, many sites to juggle can do it, but the bit of everything here kept me coming back. Peace


Does anyone know what is happening with “RARBG” ??

Hello guys,
We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site.
The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications,
others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all.
Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES.
Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard.
Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare.
Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket.
After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it.
We are sorry :(


Torrentfreak officially confirmed it, they shut down.


I am worried on what will happen to all the releases uploaded here. I loved RARBG's releases. They were always great. Hopefully, somehow a new group will spawn out of the remnants of RARBG to deliver stable and timely releases again


I'm sorry to loose RARBG! Their rips were always excellent! I have over 30,000 files in my collection. Thank you RARBG, you will sorely be missed!


@Oscar2 I simply asked a concerning and earnest question. Shame on you for falsely judging me! Also, by you claiming it was an insult, you insulted those with Global Aphasia, and those who struggle with ESL. I have a family member who suffers from Global Aphasia, and I live in Hong Kong where many I know struggle with Engrish. Shame on you!


@waanaabe you misunderstood what the peyman was going on about, but that's understandable and no matter

there are not many file hosts that can handle the traffic of this site, let alone the legal threats, logistics, and costs

I think it knew that, but was just trolling us again, but idk


RARBG said:

Hello guys,
We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications,
others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all.
Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES.
Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare.
Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket.
After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it.
We are sorry :(



So, your intentions are pure, and you have judged mine was not.

Good luck with your all knowing assumptions and narcissistic personality.


@MixTom Do you suffer from old age?



Re: old age

Don't be insulting. Don't assume everyone needs to be as smart-as you.


With the sad demise of RARBG (no more ION10 files), it nice to see Torrent Galaxy fill their shoes, with files of equal calibre, but with better sound quality.
Also, nice to see Click 'n' Upload back in action again!
I use Jdownloader2 with this service and added its Chrome extension for easy 'captcha' completion.
If links were not posted, there's nothing on CU's service to find.


RIP rarbg no warning or anything...

It's ironic on some level that some of the countries most likely to use it indirectly but significantly caused its downfall.

Yeah, older free and sometimes even paid links expire. But some of the 'rarer' shows don't even get ripped in the first place, only not consistently.

I really don't mind mixing and matching stuff, since RMz does seems to have a somewhat arbitrary way to determine bitrates. One season can be higher bitrate than later seasons, etc.

Sometimes RMz releases get compiled, but again, torrents go dead too... Especially if you're more picky/particular with the codecs and such.

One of the reasons I prefer RMz in some cases is that it's 8bit and unlike 10bit encoded stuff, it seems to not crush differences in very low levels with dithering without extreme tuning (stranger things comes to mind).


First of all RIP RARBG (T_T) You were great. Thanks for all your hard work ^_^

There are many downloading sites out there with smaller number of encoders out there. There are encoding groups for various tastes (i.e. image quality and size). For me the great ones are PSA, MeGusta, Pahe and of course RMTeam. And no need to mention that none of them have the capacity of RMZ which is huge. So long live RMZ ;)

The best one is I recommend you to test it.

Just use uBlock Origin when using CnU.

There are many (free) file hosting sites out there but not every one of them are the same and few of them support a huge amount of automated uploads that RMZ produces. Aside from ClickNUpload, I can name AnonFiles, GoFile, KrakenFiles and MdiaLoad.

Post your request in both this section and the specific page of the file of your interest. If you post your request just in the page of the file you want, it can be removed from Recent Comments section very fast and go unnoticed by those who can help you.
And don't try to imitate bearman which is one of the most loyal users of this site. Kudos to bearman, meridian and Oscar2 ;)



Interesting find. Reminds me of the good old days when searching open directories yielded goldmines daily.



The show "Fear Of The Walking Dead" the bots have missed making the 720 versions for the last 2 episodes in Season 8 Episode 3 and Episode 4 or S08E03 S08E04 The 1080 and 480 versions are there.

Hope it is fixed soon. Great Job on getting Click Upload back to working.


Glad to see the ClicknUpload issue seemingly resolved. Many thanks to the Admins here, who do a truly great job offering a broad range of content.

Very sad to see RARBG shut down. They've done a great job over the years and their work will be sorely missed. Thanks to everyone at RARBG for your work.

Long live RMZ!


can someone please find me mystery diners season 1 and 2?


please continue encode korean drama????

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