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Member's Area Discussion

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7182 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 4381 to 4400)


I see that CCCP was last updated 4 years ago. Thus I wouldn't consider it "ancient", but then at my age 4 years seems like nothing.

I guess for most youngsters, 4 years can seem like a lifetime.

I know I still look back at high school that way.

Funny how folks perceive time differently.




Was it you that recommended No-Scrip Suite Lite here some time ago?

Whomever it was, thanks! It has saved my much time with my downloads.

Also, well said with your comment to OldGeezer916.

I likewise use O&O Shutup10. I takes a little know how to understand what to disbale or not, but I think O&O Shutup10 does the best to address this telementry concern.

Telemetry is still a thing, but I don't think it's the boogey man some folks still hype about, at least when we have O&O Shutup10 and the like.

As a dev and you want to improve your software and such, then I reckon it helps to accurately know how your customers use it, thus I take it that some telemetry is very helpful with that.

For example, with the last update with Windows 10, it took months for my older rig to get that update, as I had drivers that conflicted with it, and thus MS said my system was not ready for the update. Yet on another PC that is new, it updated early on in that process.

My point being, I take it that telemetry helped prevent that older PC from getting that update too early, which may have broke it.

Now I know MS has had some issues with their updates, but that's another topic.



I know of that series. I couldn't watch it. Too many bad memories (PTSD) involved with that for me, ha.

"Many of them had an emotional scar and their hoarding behavior was a result of their bad emotional experience"

Yes, "hoarding behavior" is a thing, as with it being a result of depression and such, yet not all of those folks have "Compulsive Hoarding Disorder". Yet some folks may have latent "Compulsive Hoarding Disorder" that later gets manifested after a traumatic event and such. As I'm sure you know, it's all rather complied, yet the "hoarding behavior" is a clear sign that something is wrong.

That said, with the hoarders I've had to deal with, if they don't seek help, then I have don't have much pity for them.


complied = complicated



For big movie files, check out moviefiles

plus, wait for it...



If you didn't know, S-RLS has been pumping out top movies from GalaxyRG:


They are all around 1 GB, with subtitles.

There's almost 300 up right now, with Dropapk links.

I often prefer RMZs recodes via clicknupload, but there you go.


Hi guys, can I maybe ask a favor.

This release "" is still up but it's on NitroFlare and I can't possibly get it from there. If someone could re-upload it somewhere else I would be very grateful. Uploaded is best for me but... RapidRAR if you must. Other easy access hosters like Uptobox, 1Fichier, MEGA, Dropapk or FileFactory all work for me. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.



If you want that same 4.4GB copy of The Snow Queen 3 then I do not see that on my sources.
It is up on YouTube in 360p.
It looks like there is a 1 GB version of it on filepursuit via SERVIDOR_2: THE SNOW QUEEN 3 THE SNOW KING.mp4 - but that connection is very slow.
There is also other sources of it listed on filepursuit but most of the newer links I checked are dead. Perhaps you might have better luck there.



Thank you for replying to my request. The thing is, RapidMoviez has this release and the NitroFlare link is still working, I just canĀ“t get it from there. This is the working link:

It would take somebody with a NitroFlare account to get it you see and re-upload it somewhere else. I realize NitroFlare has a very tight daily limit but I was hopeing somebody might have a little spare. Hope you can still help. Thanks if not.



This torrent link is up and working and is 1080p quality.[].torrent



Thanks for your help. I was aware of the RARBG torrents but I really want the SCENE release. I have been looking for this release for a long time now and this NitroFlare link is all that is left on the net. I guess it is probably encripted on Usenet as well but I wouldn't know where. There is also a torrent but no seeds. Anyway... guess i'll hang on for a while longer. Thanks again.


Not really sure exactly what type of programing my son is doing on his current job. I know his last job was primarily firmware. I do know he has full benefits & his starting pay was $80,000. That's more than even Boeing ever gave me. Not bad for someone almost entirely self taught & never went to college. He was in the gifted program from 1st grade when starting he was already reading 5th grade level. I started teaching him DOS when he was 4 & it wasn't long before he was teaching me.

My understanding is that 20.04 has a ways to go to be as stable as 18. I have heard 10 has made great strides since they were trying to shove it down our throats. I think that was the biggest thing that turned me off to it. Felt like desperation to me. Microsoft was paying for repairs for a lot of trashed systems. Forcing firmware updates was a big problem. If my video card is working fine, updates seem like fixing something that isn't broke.

If I ever get 10 it won't be upgrading my 8.1. I've thought about getting a laptop since mine are relics. Be hard to find one without 10. I wouldn't put any personal files on it or do much browsing. It is in their terms of service they have the right to go through your personal folders. Just don't trust them. I'm pretty happy with my Ubuntu 18 for now. There will probably eventually be programs I will want that will only run on 10. It will never be my primary system.


I'll get around to answering you later. Being retired, I'm like my cat. I sleep when I feel like it. Needing to hit the sack right now. I took a Xanax that is starting to kick my butt. Yes, I have a prescription!


@OldGeezer916 How old are you?


@OldGeezer916 - no problemo


News flash: ololo is no more



Sorry, I no longer have that list, though such info is easy to search for.


Hey Folks - the History Channel has "revived" the old MonsterQuest series with NEW Episodes... is anyone recording them? if so... please post?

thank you in advance


Is there anyone out here that has good RapidRAR links for all Series of Red Dwarf?


I have the complete Red Dwarf (1-12 + extras; DVD+Web; no TV rips). I might just upload it for direct DL (Uptobox or or torrent seed it (as my RapidRAR subscription has just run out. I will renew, but counting my bucks as for now).

I'll get back to you.


I have a lot of doubles and extras that I need sorting (for best versions etc) before I can upload.
But while waiting: Red Dwarf Season 1-8 Blu-Ray 720p available here:

They have a variety of DL providers, and at least MEGA is free for fast downloads.

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