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7140 Responses to "Member's Area Discussion" (displaying 4541 to 4560)


"tree bark eating and COVID immunity"

Well, if you can deliver "a study" that shows that might be true, then that's good enough to make some big bucks via "the news".

In fact, a lot of alcohol is aged in wooden barrels. If you could spin your idea with that, I know a lot of alcohol companies who would be interested in promoting your book in trade for such a news release. I can see it now:

"Study Shows Drinking Alcohol Provides COVID Immunity"



Note that Top Gear America has two pages for it on IMDb:
This lists season 2 as season 1.
This is season 1.
That is if you go by how Wikipedia lists them:

Also, Top Gear America season 2 might get confused with Top Gear season 28 and/or season 29, as well as Top Gear USA.

Regardless, I looked but no luck.

It might pop up on downloadha later.


There's a hidden request section here:



Is that links for that only there or not

the pages are there here again, not good?

I go again at it



Ah yes, I too remember those shindigs of yore... Sadly, many of the guys from the old gang, such as Muammar, Saddam and Chemical Ali are no longer around. They knew how to throw a party.

Do you really think Big Pharma would just stand idly by and let you cut into their profits by telling people that they don't need their precious vaccines? Hell no. So I prefer to keep my mouth shut and try to stay out of their crosshairs.

And anyway, the cat might already be out of the bag. I've now heard from credible sources that the Russian vaccine (Sputnik V) consists mostly of vodka (that's what the "V" in the name stands for) and (surprise, surprise) tree bark extract, not that they ever gonna admit it. I say "mostly", because, Russians being Russians, I'm sure they added something "extra" to it. I don't presume to know exactly what it is, but I sure don't want in my system. Just look at Vlad. He's still holed up in his bunker, and you need to go through a two-week quarantine to get anywhere near him. If that vaccine of his is so wonderful, why doesn't he take it and get out of there?

So it's either that or any of the other microchip-infused ones, courtesy of Bill Gates. Screw that noise, I'm gonna stay right here, work on my tan and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

2003 was a certainly good year for Peter Dinklage, as apart from "The Station Agent" (which I agree was excellent) and "Elf" he also managed to squeeze in a performance in the cult classic "Tiptoes". Gary Oldman as a dwarf: what could go wrong?

I think it's interesting that "The Station Agent" director Tom McCarthy later went on to helm the scrapped, reportedly disastrous, original "Game of Thrones" pilot. I believe he's still credited as a "consulting producer" on the aired version because they did end up using a negligible amount of the footage he shot after all.

For what it's worth (not much I, know), I remember finding "I Think We're Alone Now" to be quite enjoyable. I say go for it.

I looked up "American Dreamer" on IMDb to see for which channel/platform it's being made, as that might give you a hint of the tone they're shooting for, yet found no such info, so it might not have been sold anywhere yet.

Don't get me started on NPH. He made everyone believe he's this wholesome gay family man, when in reality he's anything but. I mean, in the Harold & Kumar movies he basically outed himself as an uber-straight drug addict on a power trip, yet people wrote it off as one big joke. Unbelievable.

Let me just say, if your story/script doesn't have a scene wherein Elijah Wood's character gets abducted and probed, then I'll be sorely disappointed.
I'm not sure if Hollywood just didn't know what to do with him after LotR, or if he made his own choices, but I'm glad he found his weird little niche. You can basically pick up any of his movies from the last 10 years or so and be guaranteed to have a good time.

If you haven't seen it yet, you might wanna check out "Buffaloed" with Zoey Deutch. It's a fun little movie that's bound to put you in a good mood.



Ah yes, the old gang. Yup, I read that rocket boy banned them. I guess they still perform with the Udmurtia State Circus, so there's that.

NPH can play as a believable psychopath, as he likely is one. Likewise, he's so far in the closet that he's straight. I think he would make a great UFO cult leader.

Oh yes, Elijah Wood would be the victim of everything imaginable, as we all love to see him in angst and such, right?

As the farmer, unknown to him, there's an abandoned, toxic, cinnabar mine under his farm, which is likewise a disputed Native American burial site. That underground labyrinth also connects to the cult property. The cult's secret lab is down there, and they use the area under the farm for various experiments and such, with the guidance of their alien overlords, or so they believe.

There's one scene where upon a visit to the coffee shop, the farmer accidentally consumes that hallucinogenic tea. He then gets lost in the mine, and experiences being probed by strange alien beings. Weeks later, he eventually emerges in town, dirty, nude and traumatized, with a tall tale to tell. No one even knew he was missing, and they don't care to hear his crazy story, that is except for Dinklage, who just rolled into town on his custom Harley Davidson motorcycle. Then Dinklage rides him back to the farm, hoses him off, and starts his investigation.

Last week I watched "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" with Elijah Wood. I enjoyed his character in that.

Yup, I have "Buffaloed", but I haven't watched it yet. It's next. Thanks for the reminder, as it faded off my radar.

I think Zoey Deutch is a very talented actor. Hopefully she will eventually land a notable role that will help her shine much more. I tried watching "The Year of Spectacular Men", but I was rather bored, as it's pretty much a slow chick flick. Good acting though.



As you may know, a remake of The Wizard of Oz (1939) has been greenlit.

Some silly folks are offended by the idea. I don't know why, as regardless if it sucks or not, The Wizard of Oz is still the The Wizard of Oz.

I vote that Zoey Deutch plays the Wicked Witch of the West.

Hmm, I wonder if Peter Dinklage would be willing to play as a Munchkin? I doubt it. Hmm.

In fact, can they even have dwarfs play as Munchkins? Isn't that now considered as inappropriate? Hmm.



Oh no, I just realized they will likely have kids play as the Munchkins. Singing kids as Munchkin, oh no! That sounds horrible.

Yet I guess they could have CG Munchkins. Hmm. Well, as long as they look like dwarfs dressed as Munchkins, then I guess I'd be fine with that.

I wonder if Peter Dinklage would be willing to do a voice of a CG Munchkin who looks like a dwarf in a Munchkin costume? I think so.



So you're looking for "certain RARBG encodes"?

"MyVideoLinks" regularly posts RARBG movies, both in x264 and x265, via clicknupload, dailyuploads, ddownload, dropapk, mixdrop, fast-down, streamzz, turbobit, and userload.

They also post complete TV seasons in one file.

HINT: Follow the code.


I have a questions
Is for links only there or not
here pages there again good?



So, yeah, you were right, and I was wrong; looks like HBO is indeed pretty keen on more "True Detective", and soon-ish: I hang my head in shame.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with the other guy's work, but I hope they don't go with Sam Levinson. While I thought "Assassination Nation" was just about passable, "Euphoria" is IMO a pretentious slog, and apparently so is his latest movie ("Malcolm and Marie";).

Your story sounds really intriguing. If you ever finish working on it, I'd like to read it. Unless you really get to film it; that would obviously be preferable.

I have some bad news for the people who oppose the new "Wizard of Oz": their outrage is too little, too late as the novel has already been adapted several times since 1939.

I think I've only seen some animated version of the story, and that was back when I was a kid. The 1939 version looks like a total nightmare fuel to me, and is one of the few movies I'm too scared to watch (it doesn't help that it's a musical).

Inspired by that fear, I came up with an idea for a sci-fi horror adaptation: Dorothy is a scientist working on a time machine who gets accidentally transported into a dystopian future. The Lion is a half-human/half-animal hybrid, a result of a Dr. Moreau-type experiment. The Tin Man is a guy who died and had his consciousness restored from a backup into a cybernetic body. That's about all I got for now, but then I barely remember what the plot was.

My first choice for the role of Dorothy would be Anya Taylor-Joy. I know she's red-hot now after "The Queen's Gambit", and it looks like I'm jumping the bandwagon, but I've been following her career since "The Witch", so there.

I had to look up who exactly the munchkins even were; I think I mixed them up with the oompa loompas... I'm usually of the opinion that the less CG the better, yet singing kids doesn't really sound any better to me than singing CG creations. BTW, Wikipedia says that in the novel the munchkins are supposed to be the same height as Dorothy...

I recently started noticing female performers being referred to as "actors" in various publications. I must say I'm not a fan of this trend. What's wrong with the word "actress"?



Just so you know, that smiley wasn't supposed to be there...


Well, with "True Detective", my point was, that it being an anthology series, that flexible format leaves room to bring in whatever needy talent is available, which can be a cost savings strategy for the producers. As for such needy talent, such an offer is still better than having to slump it with Hallmark, IMO. Furthermore, I reckon there's likely room for more such series, what I would call, branded miniseries that share a theme. In fact, I guess The Mandalorian fits that bill, with their "chapters".

"Your story sounds really intriguing" ... Well I'm a writer. I'm putting the final touches on my grand fantasy novel, which if all goes as planned, will involve some very questionable marketing, to say the least.

I was half joking with all that Munchkin/dwarf talk, but still worth considering for this new production. Outside of the 1939 version, I know about the other productions, yet I had somewhat forgotten about Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful" from 2013, which I just watched today. It indeed used CG animation and dwarfs, yet with only one mention of "Munchkins". It also had dancing/singing dwarfs, but they where referred to as the royal tailors, and not as Munchkins. I guess due to licensing restrictions, Disney couldn't have Munchkin dwarfs, but they came as close as they could.

Yup, the 1939 version of Oz is somewhat traumatizing, at least for some young kids. I guess that's perhaps why "Oz the Great and Powerful" didn't do so well, as it too has some creepy/weird parts. Also, it was directed by Sam Raimi, known for the Evil Dead franchise. Yet more likely why it somewhat bombed, was that James Franco and Mila Kunis are poor actors. I imagine the only reason they got those parts is because of some diabolical contract Disney was obliged to fill.

I like your idea with Dorothy, in making it more Sci-Fi instead of just fantasy. And don't forget the flying monkeys; genetically engineered warriors who terrorize the lands of Oz. I guess the scarecrow could simply be an agricultural android, who has gone rogue, after he got hit by lightening, and/or was washed away in a flood.

I'm thinking, have Oz as the scientist who made a "dimensional gate", and due to her curiosity, Dorothy accidentally goes though it, where she finds an alternate world, as you described, but it's a parallel world, with another Dorothy, Oz, and such. Also, I wouldn't want our Dorothy to be an adult, thus she can't really be the scientist. But she could be a kick-ass ninja warrior, skilled to fight and defend herself in that land of Oz. You could still have an adult Dorothy who is a scientist, in that other world, who likewise makes her own dimensional gate/time machine.

I'm not at all a fan of Anya Taylor-Joy, but I liked The Witch (aka The VVitch).

For this reboot of Oz, I think they should have a girl play as Dorothy, no older than 12, such as she was in the books, as a “little girl”. Also, modern CG is the way to go for much of what this fantasy demands.

Also note, Munchkins are indeed short, being the same height as young Dorothy, just as the books say.

As for CG, I bet you like it, as you simply just don't know when it's there. If anything, you just don't like cheap CG, and I agree to that. As for singing/dancing kids playing as adults, I'm sorry, but I think that's a horrible idea. If you think not, then check out Bugsy Malone (1976) and enjoy, as it is a rather well rated musical, but IMO it still sucks.

Yup, female performers being called "actors", is somewhat of a gender neutral thing. It's been that way for at least a decade now, in much of the media. Though IMDb still uses "actress" for those bios. I don't care much, but I prefer whatever is easy.

It does make it easier when referring to all "actors", instead of having to say "actors and actresses".

Most job descriptors in English are not gender specific, such as miner, cobbler, blacksmith, cook, chef, teacher, professor, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse, prostitute, yada yada... Yet many other languages are rather screwed up with gender specific words and phrases, as well as all that familiar vs formal snobbery.

As for Euphoria, that not even close to anything of interest to me. As for that smiley, I guess that was a parapraxis.


^ @BobbyTheNero ^

Just to be clear.



I tried watching Clarice. I gave it 15 minutes. I didn't like it. It's just another typical network crime drama, just like the rest of which I don't like, which is all of them. I'm sure it will have enough Me Too devotees to keep it going, as this is about a heroic, and smart woman, who is challenged with PTSD, and who is trying to compete in a world dominated by overbearing men, which is all fine for this sort of drama, but of no interest to me.

What I found most annoying about it, is the over the top musical effects that drive every moment of every scene. It reminds me of those constant laugh tracks for sitcoms that are seldom funny.


There's a hidden request section here:

We encourage comments that are civil, constructive, clear, respectful, and empathetic toward other community members, except for peyman1986.



Is for links only there or not pages good there here again Be questions you know answer. waste of time not answer your questions.



I don't buy premiums but I don't bitch about which hosts they use. That's the uploader's choice. If the hosts are too slow or too much hassle I just go elsewhere. At least this site tells me what's out there.


What is the procedure for requesting a reupload & new links for dead/removed links to videos? These episodes are very recent.

And how long should it take for these requests to be filled?

I had to asked 4 days ago under the show episodes that had dead/removed files & no reuploads with new working links as of yet.

All other links are working just fine. why is this happening.

I believe that I speak for others too, start a poll and see for yourself. I figure the answer may help other's as well.

aLSO I wish this site had a Thanks button so the recent comments could reflect actual discussions instead of constantly being buried by "Thanks"

With all the problems with the website, this is still one of the best websites on the net.

Thank you.



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